Last updated: July 21st, 2004

July 21 2004's been a few years since i've written on this web page. I'm bord and i figured i'll just update this. So what's new in my life u ask. hmm. :) i'm working at the bank and done 3rd year university. Ava's in Hong Kong right now chilling and having tons of fun. Amy got a job now working for toronto tourism. :) i'm happy for both of them. and Yuna has found her prince charming. it's been on.. almost a year and a half i think. Me? hehe wouldn't u want to know. well i'm having a lot of fun with Jeff. He's a firefighter *wink wink* heh. trust me i've heard all the firefighter jokes.. by my supervisor. but yeah..jeff's a great guy. love his two dogs.. except for when they slober on me. *muah* for my jeffy. :)

My crew

come visit again..i'll probably have some changes.

Feel free to email me. @~~~`~~

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