Maggie's Homepage

Hello!! I'm Maggie. How's it going??? This is my wonderful webpage.... not bad for just starting out, huh? Yeah, that was oh two years ago, but i'm lazy and just now updating....searching for cool sites, cool pics, and generally fun stuff.

Okay. i'm now 20. I'm a sophmore at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Wanna know more??? e-mail me!! (Just click on Magpie in the webring!)

Just like everyone else, I'm still thinking up new and cool things for my page, so let me know where i can find cool stuff or whatever and I'll try to incorporate it in to my page. For now, visit some of my friends' pages....they're pretty cool.

also here's some interesting stories

please, tell me what you think and sign my guestbook

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last updated~~October 14, 2000