This page, by me, Jess, is devoted to me, my life, and things that I see as important or worth taking up webspace with! :) Please let me know what you think of everything--I mean, if it sucks, I would be interested in knowing that so I can make it...uhh...not suck. OK? Thanks!!

****Just a warning: Some of the stuff on this page will only appeal to a specific group of people; I apologize for that, but let me assure you that there are plenty other things on this page for everyone to enjoy. Also in the way of apologies, I know stuff here takes a while to load but I've tried and I can't fix it! Sorry!!****

Yes! It's actually happening! I'm taking myself away from my flute practicing for enough time to update this site!!! What a concept. I apologize for any dead links or anything; chances are if you find one, there really is nothing there. :)

Ahhh....the pride and joy of my tribute to the male gender! :) Hee hee...ladies, you'll love this....Click on the man's head or here to go there!

It wouldn't be right to have a webpage without including some stuff about what takes up a big part of my life--music. This section has stuff about all kinds of favorite band, Dave Matthews Band, a small "tribute" to my least favorite "band" (Hanson), SHJO, the world's greatest collection of conductor jokes, TONS of MIDIs and a link to my wonderful USC marching band ('97 season) page!

This section of my page is about the Hitchhikers' Guide to the's a very...well...(to quote someone I know who will remain nameless)...interesting series by Douglas Adams!

This section of my page is devoted to Deer Valley (KOK)...very comprehensive...even if you have no clue what Deer Valley is, go check out some of the scenery pictures and the description at least!

This section of my page has all kinds of funny stuff...jokes, lists, and stuff like that!
This section is devoted to my April/May 1998 band trip to Disney World!
This section is devoted to my April 1999 band trip to Toronto!

This page has a list of all of the code names (that I can think of) from over the years used by our "Little/Big Group"

This section has a list of some interesting and useful conclusions I have found interesting and useful over the years (most by me, some by others)!

This section of my page is devoted to the Brigadoon Stage Crew '98 (PIT SUCKS! Hee hee!)!
This section of my page has some interesting quotes...some meaningful, some funny...but not very's still expanding to put it one way.

This section has pictures from the last day of school as well as a quote/phrase list from my '97-'98 school year! Just click here on the bus above.

To go to the section of my page devoted to my New York City Trip (April '98), Click here or on the cab above!

This section is devoted to school dances my freshman and sophomore years...2 Homecomings, a 70s dance and 2 Sadies'.

This is all about New Year's Eve '98!
This part has pictures and a quote/phrase list and stuff like that from the cruise I went on (April '98)!

This section of my page is about Tracy's going away party!

Links to other great pages!

I made a big compilation of those stupid e-mail survey things and I'm using it as a "About the author" section.

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