Come on in, pour something to drink for yourself, pull up a comfy chair, and take a look around.....

Welcome to my home in cyber space. I am pleased that you decided to visit my cozy and cheery abode. Please feel free to wander around and make yourself comfortable. Finding no formalities here, everyone is on a first name basis. *S* My first name is Debbie Lee, but my friends call me "Deb". Having attended and graduated from Wilkes College (now known as Wilkes University) in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, I currently practice as a Registered Nurse in the state of Pennsylvania. I have been practicing nursing for 22 years in acute care, long-term care, rehabilitation, and home health settings. The healthcare system within which I am employed is known as the Blue Mountain Health System. Please click on the link "Blue Mountain Health System" to learn more about the healthcare system services provided in the area. Currently, I am practicing within the home health setting of an agency known as Blue Mountain Home Care. I have found nursing to be an extremely interesting and challenging profession which brings new learning experiences each and every day. The most gratifying moments of my career are when people are able to be comforted and helped through the care I am able to render.

I live in the town of Weatherly in the northeastern section of Pennsylvania. Being such a small community with approximately 2700 residents, we don't even have (or need) a traffic light in the town. Even though the town is small, it is self-sufficient with its own fire/rescue/ambulance departments, grocery store, banks, and pharmacy. It also has its own schooling system covering kindergarten thru senior high school. The town is nestled between mountains lying approximately 20 minutes away from a resort area known as The Poconos. Approximately 10 minutes south of the town is another small town known as Jim Thorpe, which was named after the famous athlete.

When I am not working, I have many varied interests in which I enjoy participating. Some of those interests include swimming (in the summer of course...*S*), long walks at Lehigh Gorge State Park, shooting pool, shopping with friends, long drives (especially in my 2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 4x4 and my 2007 Honda Civic ...*S*...), gardening, cooking and baking, sewing, fishing, and spending time together with the man whom I love very deeply and will be marrying in the near future, Mark.

Since I was a child, I had been going fishing each year with my father. I learned to appreciate, respect, and love the laws of nature. Several years ago I was introduced to another form of fishing called flyfishing. Please click on the word "flyfishing" to go to the link page I have completed regarding it. I have tried to provide a brief overview of it, an accounting of my own experience, and valuable links to learn more about the sport. It is an awesome sport which has intrigued me beyond belief!

Being an avid animal lover, I had my interest peaked in a very unique animal...The Wolf. I have included a link page with information hoping to dispel the myths of negativity about this elegant canine. It is not only a mesmerizing and mysterious animal, but also a gentle and devoted animal. Please click on the link "The Wolf" above and learn the ways of this special creation. My wolf page has been accepted into the "Circle of The Wolf" and can link you to other informational wolf pages. The page does take ample time to load completely, so please be patient with it. It should be well worth the wait...*S*...

Another animal which interests me since I have been a child is The Bear. I enjoy collecting anything from stuffed animals to figurines to pictures of bears. Living very close to a wooded area, I have the fortunate happening of often seeing bears with the Brown Bear and the Black Bear being the most prevalent in this area. In my area Yogi Bear would definitely have many friends with which to keep company! The Bear is another often misunderstood animal and I hope to be able to educate people regarding this unique and beautiful animal, too. Please click on the words "The Bear" above to reach the bear link page I have created and learn more about this wondrous creature.

Having had several important people in my life afflicted with diabetes and my own medical career involvement, I have developed a link page explaining about diabetes and its treatments. I have also provided other links to browse thru in order to obtain more information. Please click on the word "diabetes" to learn more about the illness. Hopefully, this information will not only educate people, but also disperse any misconceptions regarding the illness.

Also, being in the medical field and losing both of my parents to cancer has made me much more knowledgable to the vicious illness. My mother had succumbed to ovarian cancer on October 14, 1989 while my father lost his battle to an aggressive leukemia on June 10, 1999. I am currently developing a page which will include information regarding the often silent and destructive disease and alert people to its subtle signs so that they may possibly eliminate the potential tragedy of the disease. It is not completed as of this moment, but feel free to click on cancer and be transported to the page.

October is designated as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the target site below will transport you to a site which informs everyone of the importance of not only routine self-breast exams, but also early recognition and treatment to ensure a long and joyful life for people all over the world. Please feel free to add this target site to your own page and help us spread the word of importance on fighting this disease and eventually stamping it out of existence!!

Another important topic to me is the protection of one of our most prized possessions in this world...The Children. They are our future and we need to protect them from the negative actions of others. I have included a link page to explain about child abuse and how to prevent it. Let's make this world a safe place for the children of tomorrow! Would you please join us in helping to protect the innocent angels with which this world has been blessed? Please click on "The Children" above to go to the link page. This link has been accepted into the "Messages With Meaning" and "United We Stand" Webrings. By exploring those links, you will be able to learn more about abuse and prevention measures.

Have you seen this missing angel?

In our world there is a tragic disease occurring continually...and that disease is Hunger. Would you please click on the word "Hunger" and then on the button "Donate Free Food" on that page and you will help donate food to those starving in the world? The site is sponsored by various organizations/businesses who are absorbing the cost for donations. If you would bookmark the site, you can donate on a daily basis by going to the site once a day and clicking on the Donate Free Food Button. It only takes a moment and can save a life!! Thank you in advance for your compassion and caring in helping our fellow mankind...*S*...

Another important and vital page I found recently is a site dedicated to donating bowls of food to the animals in shelters and sanctuaries in our country. Please click daily on "Help The Animals" and follow the directions on their site to donate food to the millions of abandoned, abused, and neglected animals who call these shelters and sanctuaries 'home' each day of their lives.

While looking thru the above hunger site, I found another site which you can also bookmark and click on the "Donate Land Free Button" and help save the Rain Forest in our world. The land is dwindling so quickly, that in about 10 years there will virtually be no rain forest land remaining in the world. It only takes a moment and you can also access it from the same hunger page and help to save land and animals' lives! Again, thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and compassion in helping our world and animal life...*S*...

I received an email from a friend who created a page in remembrance of the high school students and teacher so cruely murdered on April 20, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado. The candle below is a dedication to those people who lost their lives in the shooting and it stands as a way of saying I care and will never forget the tragedy on that day. The candle will also burn as a hope for the future that an incident such as this never reoccurs. You may also click on the candle below and go to my friend's Littleton, Colorado tribute page. Please feel free to take the candle and place it on your page as a remembrance for Littleton, Colorado.

While looking thru a friend's page, I came across a page so beautifully done explaining about world peace. The rose below represents all of us as One Voice for peace in the world. I have linked the rose back to her homepage for you to visit. Please feel free to take the rose and add it to your page and please link it back to her homepage.

Tragedy struck our country for one more time on September 11, 2001, a day of which no one in the world will ever forget. Terrorists bombing the World Trade Center and the Pentagon with 3 American planes were the last imaginable acts of violence anyone in the world could ever conceive, or so we thought. This impact injured and killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people. The 4th plane had yet more brave people on it as they decided to take a stand against these terrorists. Knowing they were going to die and figuring that the plane may be headed towards the White House, several of the passengers rushed the terrorists, overtook them, and crashed into a field outside of Pittsburgh. Although all of these people lost their lives in a brief second, they will be remembered as true heroes throughout the world for the rest of time. And, all of the rescue personnel who assisted at the bombing areas are heroes, too, as they risked their own lives for others without stopping for a second to debate the issue. Let any terrorist in this world understand that this is what America stands for...undying unity, support, and love for one another. I am currently working on a page which will pay tribute to all of those people involved in our country's is entitled "America's Greatest and Bravest".

As I develop my home in cyber space, I am including photos of myself, family, and friends who are important to me in my life. Please "click" on the highlighted words to travel to the designated picture pages. If you are viewing this page and we are friends, please feel free to send me a picture of yourself so that I may include it on my "friends" page. *S*

About 5 years ago, I decided to adopt a kitten. He was the newest member of the family and had quickly become a very important and immensely loved part of the family. Being only three months old at the time of adoption, he was still considered a kitten, or as everyone knows him as, "the baby." Deliberating over several names, I had chosen to name him Simba. He is solid black with the most gorgeous yellow-green eyes! One of his favorite things to do is to sit on the computer desk and watch the monitor as I type or scroll thru various screens. Now, of course, from where would he ever develop an interest in computers? *S* I have taken pictures of him and we have developed his own page for him to show how he is growing and maturing. Please click on "Simba" to be transported to his page. About 3 years later, I adopted another kitten...this time an adorable little girl kitty. She was approximately 9 months old when I adopted her. It took a little while for Simba and her to form a bond. Now, they are totally in love with each other and are a joy to have at home. Her name is Tiffany and she is a Maine Coon other words, a little fluff ball. As time goes on, we will develop a page for her and show pictures of how she is growing. To have a pet in your home makes a home complete for me and truly gives it the name "home." Please check back often to see how Simba and Tiffany are growing! *S*

So, won't you bear with me and join me as I begin my journey on creating my first homepage? Before you leave my home, would you please leave your pawprint by signing my guestbook and let me know you were here? I truly hope you have enjoyed your visit and please stop back soon!

Take care and hope to see you again soon!

Some Interesting Sites On The Web.....

AOL Instant Messenger
CastleMountains Cards
A Favorite Local Animal Farm

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Shortly after I began my homepage I changed my guestbook, but you can view the original guestbook by clicking on here.

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