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From Luminaries '86
To our dear Alma Mater:
We are the fruits of your
existence. And though it 's sad to part from you, we can do nothing. The real fruits when
they are ripe should always fall from the tree, not because of the force of the gravity,
but because of God's will.
Many people need our services.
Maybe, this is the same reason why the ripe fruits should always fall to the ground. God
doesn't want them to rot in the air. Instead, he wants them to feed the starving world, to
end up hunger, and to ease poverty.
Therefore, we say to you: stand
proud for you are the productive tree. Thousands more of ripe fruits will come from you to
serve mankind.
From CCNSHS Batch '86
email to
tatalao@hotmail.com for comments & suggestions
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