Voo's Place in Cyber Space

Welcome! and thanks for dropping in. Take a look around, and dont forget to sign my guest book.

a lil about Voo

native floridian, born in Oviedo Florida
a single mom with 3 gorgeous boys (see link)
now residing in Orlando
am currently working for TicketMaster, and no, I dont get free or discounted tickets ;)
been online since 1993
have met many wonderful people online, some of who have links on my page
most of my free online time is spent at a place called
Fantasia's Worlds
where I have been bestowed the honor of serving as Wizard
you can usually find me on port 4030
if you'd care to know more, email me..
momma always said "she never meets a stranger"

My Wonderful Kids Page!

My Tribute to my parents!

Links to other sites on the Web

FantasiaFantasia's Worlds


CorkboardCool Screen Saver..Check this out!!

Aztec's PlaceInformation about the Aztec Empire and more

Infinite SpaceInfinite Space..Once here, click where it says "here"

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© 1997


Would like to thank Aztec for all his time, expertise and patience
while building my home page.. Cheers Azzie!! *hugs*

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