Hi, well, this is my hompage. I know that it is a little rusty right now, but I promise that it will get better! If the reason why you came here is to learn about me, (including pictures) then click there. I have just added a lot more pictures of me and new pictures of my friends. I have also created a Pacer Basketball Page which is stocked full of juicy stuff about my high school basketball team. Why don't you take some time and visit it! Please check out my section on my favorite tunes, here. Also, please visit my other super duper cool links section. Lookit my monthly quiz below. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, there is a link to go to my chatroom. Something new happened to me finally! I am in a book entitled, "You Live You Learn, Alanis Morissette." I'm on page 135 and if you want to know what it says about me, either email me and ask, or check it out yourself!

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