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Welcome to Jen_nifer's page. Goodbye St. Laurent!



Never out of style
Jennifer Lawrences
Bruce's Poem
Christmas 1999 Pictures

Ottawa Links
Old Front Page


Karen Buchanan's page

Kathryn's Maple Leaf Authors site

St. Laurent Cinemas Memorial Site

Monday, May 14, 2001:
I have yet to decide whether I will be transferring all of the pages from this site to my new personal site or not. I may just leave it up here for posterities sake. I have moved over my resume and the next thing will be the pictures page. However I might need to rework that one a little first.

Monday, April 23, 2001:
Well I just got back from Los Angeles. I was on training for ArsDigita software as well as a little sight-seeing with my uncle. More details at

Monday, March 19, 2001:
It's been a while since I've added any interesting links here so I thought I'd throw a few out. Those of you who are in or have been to Ottawa will be acquainted with BeaverTails - but have you heard of Elephant Ears? One site seems to claim that they originate from Mexico while the Official BeaverTails site say theirs is Based on an old North American Voyageurs recipe. Send me an email if you know what a "North American Voyageur" is.
UPDATE: April 5th James has found out for me that

Voyageur was a person who used the large canoes and travelled the waterways moving cargo east and returning with furs and other goods traded with indians....etc.... they being the voyageurs opened the West in Canda...

Tuesday, February 20, 2001:
If you haven't heard already the St. Laurent Cinemas where I worked for 7 years has closed due to bankruptcy. In honour of the people who worked there over the years I created a Memorial Site -

Tuesday, January 23, 2001:
On Saturday I set Kathryn up with a very basic web page. And now she's adding content and getting counters set up and everything! Check it out and give her the feedback she craves. :)

For the rest of you aspiring web site creators here are some links that are VERY helpful:

Wednesday, January 10, 2001:
Have you heard about IT (code named Ginger). The buzz about IT is everywhere. There's even a book deal surronding IT already even though it isn't expected to make it to market until 2002. My favorite theories are those presented on the MSNBC boards liking it to a SETI-like project and a new product from Ron Popeil. Of course the way most people see it obviously pointing is to some sort of personal trasportation device (Individual Transportation).
Updated!January 15
The word about IT is spreading like wildfire. It's moved onto television news and web sites all over are reporting on IT. So how long will it take for the big announcement about what IT actually is to hit the airwaves?
ZDNet 'Ginger' more important than the Web?
The Ottawa Citizen This is IT? Mysterious "Ginger" may be a scooter
AltaVista Harvard Press's Expensive Secret

Monday, January 8, 2001:
Since I now have a CD player for my car, and a CD burner at home... it's now time to create some driving music CDs! But what songs should be on these CDs? The first song that pops to mind is Beautiful Day by U2. I would love some suggestions! So please suggest a driving song! Want to know what others have suggested? View suggested songs

James Friday, January 5, 2001:
James just got a roll of film developed and a side effect of that is that I have an updated look and new pictures on the pictures page.

Thursday, January 4, 2001:
Most of you who know me realize I spend a good deal on time on the Internet. Ever wonder what sites I visit nearly everyday? What entertains me? Here's a list of my favorite sites:

The Candian Celebrities Site

Last updated March 19, 2001.

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