Yeap, these guys love to sing. They go out to the karaokee bar whenever they get a chance to. But, their voices put together, when singing, can be deafening sometimes. They also enjoyed being on the road heading out to different towns and states(Heck! Even countries, If given the chance and $$$) and to the unknown lands. Where(they day-dreams) all of the beautiful ladies are waiting for them with an open arms and kisses, but only to see other guys' wifes and girlfriends. OK, now we get to their favorite pass-times, IRC! This is the place where they put their best Mack-Daddy lines into used. Some of these guys have been IRCing for so long that you can considered them an O.G.(Old Geeser)! This is how I-thor, MarNoy, and Thavanh first met each other too, through IRC.
Out of the 5, the most outspoken one are pepp, MarNoy, and I-thor. Leaving TOTO_ and Thavanh as being the quiet ones. But you know what they say, the quiet ones are the most dangerous ones. Arguement is rare among these guys. If they do argue, it's probably because of their boredom. But on the other hands, there is nothing that they can't agreed upon; espically when it comes to girls...HeHeHeHe. To sum it ALL off, when all 5 are together, you can be sure there will be lots of laughter and good times. Yeap these are your typical 5 Stooges, 5 Amigos, and the 5 Musketeers!! *sight*