Somehow, you have apparently stumbled across my little abode on the information superhighway. Well, it's nice to see you here, and I hope you enjoy this site. For those of you who have been here before, well, you may have noticed a few changes since your last visit! I have gone from the "newbie" geocities format to one of my own, and as I continue to learn more about html and web page design, hopefully this page will get better, before it gets worse.
Well, that is enough said, here's some links to get you around. I have decided to keep links to the first site I built on the web, just to keep this all in perspective. Also, I will attempt to fill your mind with address' of other sites that interest me or may interest you. I hope you enjoy them.
Ackly's Volkswagen New Beetle Headquarters - Everything New Beetle related, including photos, specs, and links to some great VW New Beetle sites.
The other (unsuccessful) VW New Beetle site I gave up on.
And, the first site I ever made (YIKES!)
Oh, and I can't forget Sabrina's site (only 'cause I told her I linked it...hehe)
Scott's page of crap...LOL
And, soon, an Audi TT site, with pictures, specs, links etc...(maybe, only if I can get enough information gathered!!)
well, I hope those are enough links for you. I really don't have much more to say. You can send mail to Ackly_in@hotmail.com, Or send me a message on ICQ - #8604005
i am also in Virtual Places chat alot, so you may see me there.
created another page - my life.
Well, now that I have exhausted my resources and vast knowledge of all matters, I am going to quit typing and let you decide your destiny.
Some of my attempts at making banners.......
hehehe, very sad eh?? well, don't forget to e-mail, and enjoy the links.
Created on September 13 1998. Updated on September 13 1998.