Pickles' Web Page! and some NEW PICTURES (still working on putting up more info!)
This is my cat, Pickles. She is one out many important things in my life. The thing I like about her is the interactions we have together. She meows/talks back to me when im talking to her. She sits on the toilet on a towel while im in the shower, and sleeps with me at night.I dont know what I would do w/o Pickles in my life. She makes me very happy. She is also very spoiled. She gets wet and dry cat food, and practically has every cat toy in the stores I shop at. When ever I go shopping, i have to bring her home something. She gets tastes of my food also when im eating a meal, well depending on what it is. But she gets her way most of the time. She loves to watch the birds and squirells outside, we put feeders out there so she has something to watch while we are at work, or away. Cats....I believe like some one told me are 'fur therapy'. I love Pickles so much!! Thank you for viewing my pictures and I hope to add more sometime in the future.
She love yarn...especially when i'm crocheting!!!
She LOVES to go for walks outside. I cant wait until it snows though because then maybe she wont sit at the door and meeeeooowww because she will know that its cold outside! :)
Pretending shes the "KING OF THE CASTLE!!
Little stinker, she things she owns this couch now!
I love my Pickles!!!
"What? I'm not eating your bamboo plant to pieces?"
She looooves to get her tummy rubbed and scratched!!!.....
...and steal ALL my blankets.
Thank you!!! Hope you will visit again!!!!
Visit Taylin's Webpage of Trick or Treating that I made!