Howdy Ya'll! We're plum tickled you stopped by.
Whether by accident or on purpose, we're glad you're here.
Why not kick off yer boots and set a spell?
We hope you enjoy yer visit & that you'll
send your friends by...we'd love the extra company.
Don't mean to be a braggin' here, but we got ourselves
a new addition to our clan. A beautiful little
granddaughter that we'd sure like fer ya to meet.
Well don't be shy... Just click HERE!
We got some readin' material fer ya, so git ready
to visit the outhouse to see the rest of this site.

Just added...a page of useless, but fun facts. Check it out!
Please take the time to sign our guestbook
while you're here, so we can visit you too.
All you have to do is click on "Sign",
fill in a few entries, and you're all done!
Click on "View" to see who else has signed.
Ya'll come back now, Ya hear?

Feel Free To Add Your Link Here!

SOS - Support Our Soldiers !
Place a candle on your site to show your support.

I had to put this award on my welcome page
cause it's truly special to me...Thanks Rick & Lisa,
I'm honored to be considered your friend!

This award is from Michele, a very good friend that
I met online. This site would not have been possible
without her help and support! Thanks :-)