Regular Articles
Last changed
March 14,2000

Book Reviews

Movie Reviews

Oenie Meenie Mynie Mo

Food Fast


Guest Artist

Growing the Hardway

Social Grace

Law on the Net

Web Culture

Reader Feedback:Response



Coming soon.
Who are we and why are we doing this? Greg and Christina, the original thinkers behind this site have just returned from Europe. We will post more information. Meanwhile if you want to know more about why you can read the Mission statement.
The other cohort involved directly manages the web pages and can be found here.

Current Features

Are you an artist? Do you go out to eat in restaurants? What do you do while waiting for your food to arrive? Okay, here is a suggestion!

"Typology: A Phenomenology of Early Typewriters"
-- by Richard Polt.
For anyone who was ever confused about what phenomenology is, Richard's brilliant essay on the work-a-day typewriter will surely make things worse. Actually, anyone who read the April feature article in the New York Times "Circuits" section on Richard and his mechanical obsession will have reason for hope.

“Burning Symbols“An Essay on Idolatry and Freedom of Speech by Gregory Fried
Flag-burning, cross-burning, the Confederate battle flag and the Presidential race.

Book Review:
“Tea” Stacey D'Erasmo. Algonquin Books, 317 pages, $21.95, Jan. 2000.
Paul Kafka, a novelist in Somerville, Massachusetts, reviews regularly for The Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and The Dallas Morning News.

Guest Artist - Walter Crump
I started doing photography about ten years ago when I was asked to teach photography at my school. I built my first pinhole camera about two years later when all my camera equipment was stolen.

"Renaissance Fair vs. Art Fair: The Horror! The Horror!"
-- by Ariel Kalil and Karl Felbinger, reporting from the wilds of the Midwest. Sure: "the horror." But which is worse? Or better!
Coming soon


Other contributions to our site coming.

I’ve been talking with Mike Gilly over at Blanchards Liquors in Jamaica Plain who is my wine supplier, he’s great and very knowledgeable and has contributed greatly to my cellar so soon we‘ll have a wine thing going here.

What have we been cooking recently? Check it out.

Mission Statement

comments/ suggestions contact webmaster