
Please go to my KEWL
PICTUREs and Shout Outs pages! Links below

Here are a few of my interests: I like to draw,  play basketball, run, talk on the phone :-) go on the Net,  write stories, hang out with friends, and have fun!
Some things I like are animals, (especially dogs and wolves) MTV, The Tom Green Show, Daria, Friends, Popular, Zoe,the colors lime green and light blue, the movies Dirty Dancing,Never Been Kissed and First Knight. (Christina and Mike- "the law will judge you!" LOL!)

I love Blink 182, Offspring, Eminem,  Savage Garden, Sugar Ray, and Eiffle65. I also luv new songs and i go on Napster to make CD's!

Please go to my SHOUT OUTS page!!!!

ALSO go to my new KEWL PICS page- pics of everything! from tom green to First Knight to Blink!

Email address:


My AOL IM screen name is poodlejazzz, so IM me sometime!!!!!!!

More Pics of Tom on my Pic Page!

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