Welcome to Craig County Virginia

 Craig County Virginia Genealogy

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For all the previous information Click on the TREE above


IMPORTANT NOTE!! WE're Moving to Rootswebso that we can have more space, Please bookmark the new address as i'll be removing this site as soon as i'm sure everything has transfered.

ART by Susie

There are many unmarked gravesites in Cemeteries in Craig County.

A goal of the Craig County Virginia Historical Society is to identify where our Confederate Soldiers are intered.

If you have a great grandfather who served in the Confederate Army,is intered in Craig County, and does not have a grave marker, please e-mail me at:Rena or Steve , giving us the Name, date of birth, date of death, and Company in which he served, Name of Cemetery and directions.If avaliable please send a copy of the obit.

Do you have pictures to Contribute to this website?

Please scan and send them to Craig County Va and I will add them here.

Look A New Addition.

Tom Klatka, Archaeologist, Roanoke Regional Preservation Office, Department of Historic Resorces, Commonwelth of Virginia has generously donated a CD of Cemeteries and Gwen Ledford Rice has spent a lot of time placeing the info on her site. Click Roanoke County Virginia Cemeteries


HOT off the Press!

CRAIG County Virginia Marriages 1939 - 1962

by: Stephen A Taylor & Rena Worthen (c) 2002

Soft Cover with a full name index, includes place of birth and residence, parents, minister and marriage date and location.You may check the index of this book at The Works of Rena Worthen and Friends

This book will be a treasure to your Craig County Virginia, Library, It can be purchased for $25.00 + $5.00 postage.

Checks or Money orders only Please. NO Credit Cards.

Contact Steve Taylor or Rena Worthen

Please send orders to:

Rena Worthen

P O B 1002

Buchanan, Va., 24066


HOT off the Press!

The Craig - Botetourt Genealogy Club is happy to present the


There are a limited number of these books avaliable. Contact me for ordering details to reserve your book. Please put BOOK in the subject of your e-mail


Some of the Cemeteries in Craig County, Virginia


Rena Worthen, Stephen Taylor & Margarette Tynan

$40.00 + $5.00 shipping

A GREAT addition to your Genealogy Library.

For ordering details contact: Rena or Steve

Most Distinguished Characters On The American Frontier

by, Madge Looney Crane & Phillip L Crane

This book can be ordered (while supplies last) by sending $ 40.00 (Ohio residents add $ 2.60 sales tax), plus $ 5.50 for packing and shipping to:

Madge Looney Crane R.R. 1,

Box 193

Waterford, Oh 45786


Phillip L Crane

R. R. 2 Box 191

Lowell, Ohio 45744

Phone 1-740-896-2233

GenConnect Surname Index

Craig County Virginia project of the VAGenWeb

Suggestions and Comments always welcome.

 Send Email to Rena Worthen

Researcher's Web-Pages

If you have a WebPage about your Craig County families, send the surnames and URL to me,

I'll post it.

Be sure to specify the county!

Genealogically Oriented Pages

[The Works of Rena Worthen and Friends] [Mail List Archives] [Roanoke Times Obits] [Deciphering Old Handwriting]

MY Other Webpages

[Patrick County Va] [Botetourt County] [Rockbridge County] [Botetourt Genealogy Club]

Some of the Featured Family Biographies

[Nida] [Nida] [Lugar] [Walker] [Duncan] [Elmore]

All new Biographies may be added and viewed at the Biographies Board above

Historical & Background Items of Interest

The Hornbook of Virginia History

Virginia, A Guide to the Old Dominion

New Castle,is the seat of Craig County, Virginia. Craig County was established in 1851.

Botetourt Genealogy Club

P.O. Box 1148
Buchanan, VA 24066
For More Information!

Botetourt Genealogy Club

Craig County Virginia Historical Society

P.O. Box 206
New Castle, VA 24127-0206
Membership dues are as follows:

Individual: $6.00

Family: $10.00

Contributing: $10.00

Sustaining: $50.00

Life: $ 100.00

Make Check Payable to Craig County Virginia Historical Society

The Craig County Virginia Historical Society, The Museum and Library are located in the Old Brick Hotel, beside the Courthouse.

The Craig County Virginia Historical Society meets the 4th Monday each month.

E-Mail Us at: Craig County Historical Society

In and Around Craig County is published each year by the Craig County Virginia Historical Society.

The Craig County Virginia Historical Society Library opens begining in April on Friday afternoon from 1:00 pm. to 4:00 pm. New Books added to the Library for research are:

1. The Family Von Nida from Germany to America. 1262-1998

2. The Virginia Genealogist, Vol 8 1964

3. 28th Virginia Infantry by Frank Field Jr.

4. Benjamin Richard Craft by Stephen Taylor

5. Grosecloses and Descendants in America by B. Clark Groseclose

6. 1930 - 1945 Craig county School Census

7. Craig County Births 1853 - 1896

Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society

meets (usually) the third Saturday (except summer months and December) at the Roanoke Virginia City Central Library. Their quarterly publication, Virginia Appalachian Notes, often includes articles of Craig Co interest. Membership is $20.00. To join, write:
P.O. Box 12485
Roanoke, VA 24026-2485

Now online at New River Notes.


Virginia Surname Homepage Register

Also, consider registering it with the others at:



Query Page

Books for Sale & Lookup

NEW! Deeds and other Goodies

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Family Reunion page

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Craig County Virginia Specific Files

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Where to Write for Vital Statistics

This WebSite State & County Addresses

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Shortcuts to Neighboring Virginia Counties

  Alleghany County, Virginia       Rockbridge County, Virginia
Botetourt County, Virginia 
                       Craig County Virginia

Giles County, Virginia
 Bedford County, Virginia
       Roanoke County, Virginia 

Shortcuts to Ancestor Virginia Counties

Charles River County (Original Shire)        Chickacoan Indian Reserve
name changed to                                   |
 York County (1642)                   Northumberland County (1648)
         |  !_________________________________.___!
         |                                    |
         |                           Lancaster County (1651)
         |                                    |
    New Kent County (1654)             Rappahannock County (1656-1692)  
         |                                    |
King and Queen County (1691)           Essex County (1692)
         | |_________                         |
         |           |                        |
         |       King William County (1702)
                Spotsylvania County (1721)
                   Orange County (1734)
                  Augusta County (1745)

                  Botetourt County (1770)

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Updated 7-9-2006