IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH ANY OF THE LINKS PLEASE EMAIL ME (you can do so at the bottom of the page)

Hey, whats up? Well my name is Caster, or Cass to most of my friends. I am a computer analyst for the US Army and I currently live in Ft. Huachuca. That's located in Arizona in case you didn't know. As you view my page you will get to know more about me and my interest. If there is anything that i may have left out then you can email me at the bottom of the screen where it says "you can email me 'here'", or u can write down the address-- dese_nuts@hotmail.com. Well I guess you see my pic there, I am the only black guy in the photo. In case you don't like that one here is a better pic here.
Before I go any farther, I want to give a shout out to my bestfriend Donna. We have been bestfriends since about the July of 98. We have been thru hell together and still kickin. She is like my baby sister. I just want her to know i love ya lil sis and I will always be there for ya so keep ya head up.
So what do u think? For those of you who aren't able to see it I am part black and indian, seminole to be excact, and I am 5'7" and about 175lbs(pure muscle of course). I also have very short hair(military). YES I KNOW I AM FINE AS HELL, I WAS BORN THAT WAY. lol
Please ladies, no drooling. :-)
But anyway, I like alot of things so here are just a few:

I also have some more pics of me and my son. Oh, I didn't mention that above..sorry. I have a little boy, and he is just the cutest thing in the world, he's 3. And of course his name is Caster too. He is in two of the pictures below. Check them out.
Well I guess thats it for now. If you can please email me and ask me anything. You can email me here. If for some reason this doesn't work for you, my email address is dese_nuts@hotmail.com. You can also see this in the bottom left corner of you screen when you drag your mouse over the 'here' link. I hope to ad more pics of me later so please periodically check out this site for updates. Well I hope you enjoyed my homepage and this is for you----