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Hello, you have reached my (Alok G. Singh aka alephnull) webpage. I seriously wonder how you got here as I am nowhere near famous. This page doesn't have much. In fact, all it has is some experimental Javascript stuph that I stole from various sources and some security material.

I'm a Pink Floyd fan so you should be able to get to some good Pink Floyd sites from here. Also I have a copy of the Echoes FAQ which you can either browse or download.

I'm an engineering student and therefore am a nihilist and an anarchist. Not surprisingly, you'll can also get some links to security sites that can get you to other security sites where people much more worthy than me tell you about stuph.

There are some games around that you might like to play. One of them is Battleships . It's got a few more ships than is usually seen but it is fun, nevertheless. The computer plays resonably well so it should be OK.

Click here for a complete list of the games availiable. If you want the source code you can mail me (I still haven't got around to uploading the damn things).

So, despite what your mind is telling you, if you want to enter, come on in. Else, carry on to some other place you'd rather be. Cheers.

BTW, the games require Javascript, so if you browsed on here using Lynx which I still prefer to IE4, then you have a problem. You can get the source though and check them out on your system if you have access to a Java enabled browser.

HOT TIP: Check out the Miscellaneous section if you haven't found anything of intrest so far.