Hi. I don't know how you got here. You may have known me for a while (in which case you put "schmazz" in google and get this) or you may have stumbled here from my university webpage... Wow, I first built this site in 1998. I think about updating it, but I kind of like this "end of 2002" look I have going on. Well, if you are inquisitive about what's been going on, you can read my livejournal, which I started to keep in contact with a friend in California. So, here's the link KKMFK's livejournal... but buyer beware, I curse a little on it.

Schmazz Productions is the "production company" through which a group of friends and I made and distributed films.
Typically, we'd follow this 9-step routine:

1. See something neat we'd like to do (i.e. Star Wars... on 3 different occasions)
Get really bored and make up a vague story
2. Assign characters, make really cool costumes
3. Fight over who has to be the "camera-fly," begin filming
4. Fight some more, sibling vs. sibling (Kris vs. Sam, Rach vs. Nate, Rach vs. Caleb...)
5. Discover we are really amusing ourselves, so we get it together
6. Finish filming
7. Watch the video, agreeing we're all geniuses and will someday make millions of dollars doing this very thing
8. If I ever get around to it, upload the video to this here website and promulgate it as the greatest thing ever since Alf or Bill Cosby
9. Leave you, the consumer, wholeheartedly puzzled


Hi. It's probably in order for me to introduce myself. Samwise Gamgee...err, Kristina here at your service. Proceeding...

So, Schmazz Productions (1997-2001) has been incorporated with Arrow in the Arse Productions(2002-?)...
Check out Arrow in the Arse's first flick on-line:
A Ham Telling: The Princess Bride

Hey, you: check this sweet-arse page displaying classic Schmazz Productions intro graphics! I promise, you won't regret it.

Some of these pages of mine are circa, say, 1910, but I think they're still relevant. Anyway, I enjoy a lot of this stuff, so go forth and explore. Click the beside each description to go to respective page.

Photos to warm the heart, not unlike Campbell's soup.
Things that used to really bother me -- more than papier-mache kids.
The Horndog Handshake (Yes, it is as good as it sounds).
Things (people) we found funny years ago (wait, we still do)
What you get when you're bored and possess only a box and cleaning instruments.
Hey, KITH fan. I'm not the first to use schmazz. Surprise.
Are you constantly made a fool of for your less-than-stellar vocabulary? Here are some spicy recommendations (Disclaimer: list does not includespicy)
Nothing says lovin' like some fresh-baked anomalies.
Here are some columns I wrote in the 10th grade (wow, eons ago) for the high school newspaper.
See what happens when you cross high schoolers, wilderness hiking, presidential candidates and dehydrated Beef Stroganoff.
Is the band Queen involved in a massive conspiracy of subliminal messages? We have evidence that points all signs to "yes..."
Some sort of stuff I wrote about my Atari 2600 two years ago, and various Atari-based links

Thank you for taking the time to look at my website. This page represents Schmazz Productions and all of our videos, even if they aren't up. It also represents me (the webmaster) and all my little life occurences. Sign my guestbook, either ranting or raving, I accept both.


In case you forgot who I (the author) am, click here.

© 1997-2003 superschmazz@yahoo.com

Schmazz Productions main Links I deem cool or useful or some bunk SP and AA downloads, sucka Arrow in the Arse Productions Sign Guestbook View Guestbook Strom Thurmond Other Schmazz Productions Members info the "vintage" page o' Kristina's the "vintage" page o' Rachel's the "vintage" page o' Nathan's the "vintage" page o' Samantha's