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First I will tell you a little about myself:
I have been married for 27 years to Joe and have two sons, Zachary who is 24, and Daniel who is 22. My third "child" is our Boston Terrier, Gertie, who is 8 years old. Visit both Zak and Danny at their Home Pages (favorite links below).
Joe and I took a special vacation in 1997 to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We traveled to the Canadian Rockies for 5 days, then boarded the Dawn Princess (hence the name of this Homepage!) for a 7-day cruise to Alaska, and then continued on a land tour of Alaska. It was the most wonderful vacation of our lives! Read our comprehensive cruise review for even more information. Our second cruise was in 1999 aboard the new Sea Princess to The Panama Canal. Our recently booked October 2000 cruise is a dream come true...a 10-day Transatlantic cruise on the most famous ship afloat, The QE 2! Visit this new page for a peek at our upcoming cruise. Or click on Vegas Vacation for a look at our trip to Las Vegas in February 2000. Please visit My Greeting Card Page where you can send a free greeting card to a friend or loved one! (Courtesy of Dawn Princess and 123Greetings) And now I have a brand new Postcard Store where you can send postcards to your friends (complete with music!). It's hard to explain my new obsession with Scotland but (1) it has to do with a wonderful couple we met from Scotland on our cruise and (2) because it happens to be our next destination (Summer 1998). Just like the famous Jeopardy category, this is a page devoted to favorite things that didn't seem to fit within a specific topic. Be sure to check out my new page devoted to the TV show My So-Called Life. Read about our planned trip by visiting Scotland the Brave and England and Wales . And while you are there, stop and pay a visit to Morag's Page which is devoted to my Scottish friend.
Now you can not only see my list of recommended books, but you can actually order your own copy, thanks to! Check out my current selections!
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© 1997
Links to other sites on the Web
Zak Binder's Home Page
Dan Binder's Home Page
The Realm of the Druid Princess
Cruise Reviews Before You Sail
Cruising is Fun! A most comprehensive site for cruise information.
Taylor's Traditional Tunebook-great MIDI tunes!
The Cruisers' Page Link Exchange
John Szeto's Cruise Review Library
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