While you're here...

Kelly's Word of the Week

Kelly's Phobia of the Week

Not so deep thoughts 11/17/04

Stuff about me

More Junk About Me 11/18/04

Music stuff

My friends

Guilty pleasures

Pet Peeves

Photo Album

Wedding Pics

My friends say some of the best stuff

Poems I wrote

I write stories and other stuff, too

Stuff I dig

My online buddies

My pets

My family

Photos I've taken at the Zoo

Take a Step Into My World!

Hi there! I see you've stumbled upon my little page. Obviously, you seek information, or maybe you just want pictures. Either way, I've made it so easy for you to learn everything you've ever wanted to know...and MORE! I started this in 1997 as a project to deter boredom, and it's blossomed into something I had never imagined. I am constantly editing and updating, so you never know what you'll find. Take your time and soak in every detail- there will be a test.

To make things even easier I've added this part to let y'all know when something has been added or updated, so all you have to do is scroll to the left and click a link. Try and tell me I don't rock, I dare you.

Quotes page updated 8/4/04
Journal updated 8/8/04

Comment and suggestions are always welcome! Just email the Kelmeister. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Have a nice day!

The current mood of Jelilia at www.imood.com

Unicorns up for Adoption

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Copyright © 1997-2004 This page designed and coded by Kelly