Susana's Home Page

Note: I would like to apologize
to all monolinguals visiting this page. Sorry, but this is intended to
represent my life.
(this is a beautiful beach in Puerto Rico, feel
free to travel to the wonderful island paradise)
This is the best Home Page to find out "chismes"
(gossip) of Miami, about my friends and myself. I will like to share with
you a little more about me and my life.

Todo De Mi
(All About Me)
Name: Susana, but also known as Suzy, Susa, Suze,
Sweets :) ,Boricua ...
DOB: December 13, 1980 (only a 9 months and 19
days until my birthday)
Place: Rio Piedra in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Hair: Light brown-dark blond (To tell you the
truth, I have no idea)
Eyes: Darkish brown

(My Bulletin Board)
Okay, I'm here again. What is
the big news right now? Well, my friends and I are making movie.
I'm not kidding. And not just a home movie that no one except our
famlies will see. No, I'm talking about a real movie. One that
will be submitted to independent film festivals. Yes, it's very Dawson's
Creek of us but I think it might work out pretty well for all those involved.
The script is a totally original idea from one of my best friends, Baloo.
She is also the director of this movie. Of course, yours truly (the
great and revered actress) will play the main character in the movie.
She is supposed to be smart, sexy, rich, and perfect. I also serve
as the producer of this movie. Richard had dual role in this production
as well. He is the main supporting actor in the movie as well as
the man in charge of the soundtrack. Well, I don't want to give away
any of the plot because it's supposed to be a secret. Besides, not
even I have read the entire script yet. Oh by the way, I had a nice
Valentine's Day. Richard made it last for three entire days.
Our anniversary is on Friday, next time I update, I'll tell you how that

My Interests
Well, since the last time I change the homepage,
my main interest has been focused only on the movie. Basically, it's
the second best thing in my life right now. On the other hand, it's also
the most stressful and hateful thing sometimes. Because of it, Richard
and I have had problems and Baloo and I almost ended our friendship.
But for now, there's just calm sailing. The key words, of course,
are FOR NOW. I'm still obsessed with my old stuff. For all
those who want to know more about Jonathan Larson's musical RENT,
the official site is here
If you wish to know the entire script of "Titanic" (including the parts
that were not made) click here.
Okay, so right now I'm going to state was really upsets me. Why do
public colleges and private colleges have different spring breaks?
Is it because they don't want students from the different kind of school
to associate with each other? This poses a big problem for Richard,
my friends, and for me. All of my friends that live in Miami either
go to Florida International University or FIU (the FIU, the proud, the
ones that stayed in Miami) or to Miami-Dade Community College. They
get the same spring break. I, on the other hand, go to University
of Miami, which unlike FIU and Miami-Dade, is a private institution.
We have to be different. We have a completely different break.
We have it a week before FIU has it. That basically ruins any plans
my friends and I had to go away. So, THANKS FOR NOTHING! (whew,
breathe in, breathe out, RELAX) For all those who wonder if I'm a little
obsessive with things I like, well, wonder no more. I have watched The
Lion King so many times, I can literally recite half of the movie. For
all those who need a little help, the entire script for the Lion King is

Richard's Space
So, gow's it going everyone?
I hope it's all cool. Anyways, what a whirlwind it has been for me
lately. With the movie, and school, and all of my normal running's been hectic. Thank goodness for Suzy, or I woudn't
be able to keep things together. Instead of advertising for our band
this time (since I have recieved very little replies), I'd like to take
this opportunity to ask any musically talented people who would like to
be included in the soundtrack album for our feature film to mail me.
School still sux. But, there is hope for me yet. I'm switching
majors to English Lit or something. Maybe some sort of creative writing.
who knows.
See you all next time,
"I'll see you next time"
-LeVar Burton, from "Reading Rainbow"

The Melting Pot (a fondue resturant in Miami)
Phonecalls from friends
"'97 Bonnie and Clyde" by Eminem
Mario Party 2
Seafood resturants
Phonecalls from telemarketers
"Praise You" by Fatboy Slim
Ford (Fix Or Repair Daily)
Goldeneye (it bites)

Critic's Section
(Movie review section)
The movie I'm reviewing this time is Scream
3. Don't worry, this review has no spoilers in it.
It was quite good. Well, at least all the parts that I saw.
I'm a chicken when it comes to scary movies. Most of the time my
face was buried in Richard's arm. The ending was a little predictable
but not quite. I almost guessed who the killer was but I was a little
off. Although it lacked the explosive surprise ending, it is very
enjoyable anyways. It's great sitting in the theater guessing who's
going to get killed next and who the killer or killers really is or are.
And wouldn't you know it, that the person you thought was the killer
turned out to be the next to die and the one you thought was the next to
die was in fact the killer. Truthfully, my favorite of all
three movies was this one, simply because it was funnier and more strange.
Z rating (0-10): 8, go see it but if you don't like blood and
gore, I wouldn't recommend it. Unless you are like me who will sit
during the entire movie with her hands on her eyes.
The Lyrics to "Just A Girl"
(by No Doubt)
Take this pink ribbon off my eyes
I'm exposed
And it's no big surprise
Don't you think I know
Exactly where I stand
This world is forcing me
To hold your hand
'Cause I'm just a girl, little ol' me
Don't let me out of your sight
I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite
So don't let me have any rights
Oh.... I've had it up to here!
The moment that I step outside
So many reasons
For me to run and hide
I can't do the little things
I hold so dear
'Cause it's all those little things
That I fear
'Cause I'm just a girl
I'd rather not be
'Cause they won't let me drive
Late at night
I'm just a girl
Guess I'm some kind of freak
'Cause they all sit and stare
With their eyes
I'm just a girl
Take a good look at me
Just your typical prototype
Oh... I've had it up to here
Oh... am I making myself clear?
I'm just a girl
I'm just a girl in the world
That's all that you'll let me be!
I'm just a girl, living in captivity
Your rule of thumb
Makes me worry some
I'm just a girl, what's my destiny?
What I've succumbed to
Is making me numb
I'm just a girl, my apologies
What I've become is so burdensome
I'm just a girl, lucky me
Tweedle-dum, there's no comparison
Oh... I've had it up to
Oh... I've had it up to
Oh... I've had it up to here!!!
For those who enjoy listening to cover bands or
are interested in getting your cover band heard click here
Up and coming writers, get your stuff on the internet
at The StoryTellers
Now you can enjoy the thrill of being a superstar
wrestler in you join Smackdown!
Wrestling Federation
You may wish to go to the Comedy Central Homepagefso
just click here.
For all of those who have way too much time on
their hands (you know who you are) visit the Centre
for the Easily Amused
me your e-mail to: What's happening?
You may wish to visit my
parents web page!
Last updated: Febuary 23, 2000
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