Hello and welcome to my home away from home. Thank you for stopping in. I hope you enjoy your visit and will come back often. As you can see I'm finally getting around to updating my home. It's been a long time coming. I'll be adding new things and changing some other things around so make sure to check back often. I've added new greetings to Destinee's Greetings page. I've also added some new links so don't forget to check them out. I will continue to add new poetry and graphics. I have a little something for everybody to enjoy. The background images are my own but there are a few of the graphics that I've borrowed and used on some of the pages. I've tried to give credit where credit is due but if by some chance I have not given credit and you notice please let me know and I will either give credit or remove the graphic. Thank you

Use the pull down menu to visit the pages on my site.

If you have seen or know the whereabouts of any of these children please follow the instructions on my banner and help bring them home. Thank you.

Drop me a line and let me know what you think

If you would like to link back to my site just click and save one of my banners below to your hard drive and copy and paste the HTML code to your editor changing the file name to which ever banner you choose and the ( ) to < >.
SRC="FILE NAME.jpg" BORDER="0" ALT="Destinee's Homepage")(/A)(/CENTER)

My Membership Plaques


Also be sure to check the sites below out.
I want to thank Moodswings for allowing me to use tubes made by Moodswings.
I want to thank PSP-Tubes.Com for allowing me to use tubes made by PSP.

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