Lickable_Lacie The Name Says It All

come in, visit, and stay awhile

Welcome to my NEW and REVAMPED (sorta) homepage, it will get better I hope as time goes by. Right now I will concentrate on telling you a little about me. I am 29 ( OH GAWD!) I live south of houston in a very small town called Brazoria. I have 2 children. They are a boy and girl ages 4 and 7. They are my whole life, they keep me happy when no-one else can. I like to read, swim, chat online, ride horses, and go out with friends. I am usually in houston when I go out due to the town and surrounding areas being BFE. I can usually be found in yahoo chat using the handle of Lickable_Lacie, I am in a Texas room ALWAYS.

I am once again posting pictures of me and my kids ( Meghan and Tyler) ) and I will slowly but surely make the page more interesting. Since the last time I update MONTHS ago I have gotten a job that keeps me very busy. I now work for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a Correctional Officer. Yes .... at 90 lbs and 5ft I attempt to make people behave and follow rules.

My kids are still my life, still the only people who can make me smile when nothing else seems to be going right. It's amazing that they can make me laugh and cry at the same time.

I have stopped going to many chat parties because I work almost every weekend and its hard to get off of work and then get dressed and drive to God knows where to meet who knows what... ;o).... Actually by the time I get there everyone is drunk and I am sober .... enough said! I would like to go to a few more when someone I am interested in enough is going to be there. So nope... there is no man in my life right now. I am not actively looking so if he shows he does and if he doesn't .... oh well. My life is pretty busy with work, kids, a house and our zoo. Living at my house right now I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 bunnies, and a RAT uh huh a rat.

This pretty much covers my life at this moment but if you have any questions or anything you want to know about me you can email me at, ICQ me at 1210431, or find me in yahoo chat romance section TEXAS room... hope to hear from ya soon!!!

As I am sure you know if you have been here before, I WAS looking for a photographer but I have about given that idea up. I have figured out that if you are not psycho (men cuz I don't do girls) then you are attached or you think because of my name all I want is sex. PUHLEESE!!!!! Hey sex is good and all that but damn some of the people (not you of course) need to learn to go to a bar and use some of those smoooooth (NOT) lines you attempt to use on females in chat on a REAL LIFE GIRL ( OMG YEP THEY ARE OUT THERE), bet instead of the ignore button you will get slapped. And just cuz I am being all honest and stuff and still sorta considering looking for a photographer I have to have pics of you first! Sorry but I have met many people who swear they are good looking and then you get there and the whole damn ugly forest got a hold of them. Yeah I am picky as hell and I admit it but geez! Anyway enough of that!

Well it's time for for me to end this page for now, once again you can get me on ICQ, in chat, or by my email. I hope to hear from you soon!!

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