Welcome to Firesky's Homepage
This page has been accessed
times since 27/11/97. Last updated 16/3/98.
Hello there. Welcome to my little space on the web. I'm a 14 year old happy-go-lucky gal living in the sunny island of Singapore and I'm currently studying in Anglican High School. I'm just an ordinary teenager who plays the classical guitar and loves irc. Click here to know more about me.
To contact me, you may e-mail me or find me the the galaxynet chat room #ahs or page me via icq. Look for me under the nick firesky. One last thing, do pitch your entry in my guestbook before you leave. Thanx a lot!
Latest Message Corner
Its the march holidays now. I don't see what's the big deal about this short one week break. For a start, today is going to be a day more boring then school cos' my good friends are cooped up with their own activities. Thankfully I have a computer and an internet account for company but they can't keep me occupied for long.
Notice: There are no pics of mi on this page cos' I don't have a scanner yet. For those who are dying to see what on earth I look like, either catch mi around in school, get me a scanner or just simply wait till my Dad gets one.

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