Just to tell you a few things about my family and I..
Bob and I were married May 17,1991. We both had a child through previous marriages. They are both girls and are three months apart. We call them "OUR" twins, since they are so close in age. They are 10 years old now. And together, we have had two more children. A little boy who is now 5 years old and a little girl who is 4 years old.
We were truely blessed with each and every one of them. They are all our pride and joy!!!!
My husband Bob works in T.V. advertising. He does ads for ESPN, CNN, TNT, and USA. His work involves selling the commercial, as well as assistanting in the shooting of the commercial.
I do daycare in my home. And my name is Rose, most of you all know me by Flower. I care for six children, with one of them , being my 3 year old. Its kinda fun. I like the fact that Im at home. And whenever the kids are resting I can come in on the computer, and play !!
We all live on a acreage in Iowa. There is so much to keep us busy. Actually the work around here is considered a hobby to my husband. He loves to work in the garden, and me, well I tend to all of my flower gardens. The kids all enjoy helping with it all. Mainly because they like to get dirty!!
The kids are also busy with all of our pets. We have a pot belly pig, whose name is Bubba. A new baby pig named Uncle Stu. A cat named Snowey. There is also a goat, her name is Angelica. She had two babies born the very end of winter which the kids named Phil and Lil but Lil just didnt quite make it. *frownie* And there are two rabbits. There names are Santa and Easter.My daughter just got a bird for Christmas too! His name is Ducky, dont even ask me how she came up with that name.*giggle* It is a cockatiel bird, and whistles all kinds of things, and says "pretty bird". Its cute!! Early this spring the kids got 4 ducks and 9 chickens. Next on the agenda is a pony !!
I sometimes feel, like we live on Old McDonnalds Farm. *S*
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