froggie froggie
welcome to the
Lily Pad!
The Lily Pad -- where dreams become reality,
and reality becomes, well,
a dream...


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i have been asked by several people
if i would share the midi's that i favor and use on this site :)...
so, just cuz i'm in a fanTAStic mood, here they are :)...

peak at the tunes !


hi y'all! welcome in! pull up a pad!
have a bowl of flies! ;"}
this site is for all to enjoy, but first, a few warnin's...

smiles no chewin' on the furniture...o, well, maybe just a few bites...
smiles laughter is not only allowed, it's my's what i LIVE for :)...
smiles if you see somethin' you don't like, tell me...
i'll take it under advisement, and at least
you'll know your opinion meant somethin'...
smiles and remember, it's ok to love your pets, just don't LOVE your pets...
got it ? good :)...let the games begin !


what's new at the lily pad?
hop over here & find out!
what links does the lost froggie think are worth spendin' surf-time on?
click here to hop to the links page!
warnin', it loads a tad bit slow...
bizarre poetry of the bazaar...
what could possibly be on the mind
of a lost froggie?
wanna find out? hop here!
in d/fw, veggie dishes can be hard to find...
stop here to get a few ideas ;"}
aw, c'mon! tell me what you're *really* thinkin' !
hop over and
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what *is* the lost froggie?
what makes her tick?
bump your behind over here to find out ! ;"}

NEW !!!
Presenting the hilarious, the chuckle-rific,
Giggles of the Lost Froggie ! :)


and now, a happy thot for the day...

picture yourself on an island, far away from all noise and stress...
there is a quietly bubblin' brook nearby...
hear the blue water, lappin' at the shore...
feel the cool breeze upon your face...
hear the cry of a solitary gull...
birds are softly chirpin' in the crisp cool mountain air...
nothin' can bother you here...
no one knows this secret place...
you are in total seclusion from that place called "the world"...
the soothin' sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity...
the water is clear...
you can easily make out the face of the person whose head you're holdin' under the water...'s the person who caused you all this stress in the first place...
what a pleasant surprise...
you let them up...just for a quick breath...
back under they go...
you allow yourself as many breaths as you want...
see how his eyes bulge ?...
see the last air bubble as it escapes their lips and seeks freedom in the open air?...
there now...feelin' better?...


New Pages, Links, Rings and Such...

Rings and Things...

A special poem for a friend...




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comments? suggestions? rants or raves? click the froggie to e-mail me!

You are hopper Counter to share my lily pad since 03/15/98! ;"}

Design and layout © 1998 Lost Froggie