The Joshua Tree

Thanks for visiting my webpage, which is basically just my attempt to kill time when there's nothing else to do around here. I've tried to make it at least bearably interesting with some useful information and links to other interesting websites. Most of the site is devoted to music topics, but I've also included some information about some of my other interests, just in case you're interested....

-music (especially indie/hardcore/punk, area venues, and reviews)
-skiing (i work weekends at a ski shop)
-Triumph cars (I own a 1970 GT6+)
-Naples American High School (with info on other NHS folks for those of you who are interested)
-Smith Point Marina (owned by my recently-retired parents, with the best fishing in the Chesapeake)

this site last updated March 17, 2000

Here are some of my favorite bands. Click on the band picture/logo to go to thier website....

My music collection, along with info about each of the bands.......

Check out some good D.C./Baltimore area bands:

Link with a ton of info. on girl bands, click here:

If you like boating or fishing, check out this link to the marina owned by my parents down on the Chesapeake..

this is the ski shop I've worked at part-time for about 3 years in N. VA.
If you're in to wintersports, this site covers all the bases.

Link to my Triumph web page, with links to other triumph web pages, and on and on and on and on...

for information about the best of this year's and next year's ski equipment, go to

Click here to see my photo album from some recent trips and events

Link to my high school in Naples, Italy....

I also have phone #'s and email addresses to some Naples HS alumni, FYI

my alma mater in Fairfax, Va......

Check out some of the best bars/music clubs in the DC/NoVa/Baltimore area:

Take a look at these links to the best sports teams and related sports information:

If you know my regular email address, email me there with comments, etc... if not, email me at

bill clinton sucks

Last updated May 2, 2000