Click here to visit my wedding site and see our pictures!

Hey everyone! Look--it's Carmen!
July 2003--

Girls, girls, girls

Hi everyone!

Is it August yet? Does it even matter anymore? Yes, I'm still pregnant with twin girls and the days are crawling by like snails with alzheimers. It's getting lame...The girls are doing great though and growing bigger with every cheeseburger and donut!
Garrett is running all over the place...into walls, couches, trees, the pool. He just can't stop himself--he loves to run. He kicks a ball pretty good and loves cats so I guess we have raised ourselves a winner! Eddy is working from home now and taking care of me--so sweet. We just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and Eddy's 26th moves too fast...
Hope you all are doing well!

We love, we shop, we love. We're the Geo_Fam!

Click to see pictures of my superior offspring! One down, 12 to go!

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