Welcome to Rico's Diner
    I have been meaning to update my web-page for such a long time. Well stupid AOL screwed over my web-page. I can't update the old one anymore. So I figured I would just forget about the old page and make a brand new, better page. So this is the new site that is all about "The Wonderful World of Me." I guess you should go look around now. Have fun and enjoy the view.
This is a short section about me. Click on the dancing beaver to go to my new "all about me" section.
These are a few good quotes I have heard of along the trip. Sit back read some funny quotes(well they were funny if you were there) Enjoy!!!
This is my "new and improved" Forest Lake web page. It has been updated (finally) I know a lot of you have asked me to do this for a long time. Well I finally did. Enjoy the new stuff.
Click on "Guy Zach Nie" to go and Visit the wonderful place known as
Palooka-ville USA. The coolest band to come out of Grand Blanc Ever.
Click on the "Rambo Bunny" to go to my Laser Challenge Site. You will see quite a few of the mainplayers in our game and figure out kinda how things work when we play.
Click on "Slick Willy" to go to a list of some of my favorite web pages. You'll find some downright fun pages here. You will also find links to a lot of my friend's pages. Enjoy the view.
Click on "The Dancing Frog" to visit a page filled with pictures of my friends from home and school. There are lots of interesting pictures here.
This site is always
under construction.