Americans are so stupid that:
When it came to the bit on the form that said sign they write "Sagittarius"
When they graduated from nursery they was so excited that they could hardly shave.
If you gave them a penny for there thoughts you'd get change!
Americans invented a new type of parachute - it opens on impact!
Americans thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company!
Americans sold there car's for gasoline money!
Americans can't count to 20 with their shoes on!
Americans stand in front of the mirror with there eyes shut - just to see what he looked like asleep!
The Americans boss stopped thier lunch breaks - it took too long to retrain them!
They got a pet Zebra and called it spot.
Americans heard that most car accidents happen with 3 miles of home!
So they moved house!
Scientists are trying to build the ultimate moron; and using Americans as the blueprint!
Brains aren't everything. In his case they're nothing!
Americans claims he has an open mind; if you ask me its just vacant!
Americans doesn't know his own mind - well they hasn't missed much!
Americans speaks theremind - but it limits the conversation!
Americans a self made man who gave the job to the lowest bidder!
If ignorance is bliss Americans must be ecstatic!
Americans like them don't grow on trees - they swing from them!
He called himself a wit - well he was half right!
When Americans graduated from nursery school the
Americans was so excited he could hardly shave!
Americans had an accident at work today - they where struck by a thought!