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Moon Sign Compatibility

Name: Rhonda
Age: 33
Sun Sign: Virgo
Moon Sign: Leo
Best Friend: Mimi
Best Friend's Sun Sign: Pisces
Siblings: Just 1 - Sister (Younger)
Siblings Sun Signs: Pisces
Parents Sun Signs: Mom: Pisces, StepDad: Aries
Graduated High School: Yes
GPA: 2.5 (Didn't try very hard)
Graduated College: Tech School, Yes
GPA: 4.0
Boyfriend? Yes, 1 Long Term ( his name is Dan )
BF Sun Sign: Aquarius
BF Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Our Moon Sign Compatibility Rating: 10 (Highest)
Children: Me; Yes (3 daughters) Dan; Yes (a son and a daughter)
Favorite Music: Metalica, Linkin Park, Creed, 3 Doors Down, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Disturbed, Anything Alternative, Anything Rock. I love the new music that is out and I love the Funky Monkey Radio Station in Tacoma WA as well as the 80's stations.