Welcome to my webpage. I recently went to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and will be posting pictures that I took while I was there very soon. Thanks for visiting, and enjoy!!!
The link below will allow you to view my bio...

This link will take you to my newest page. It contains some pictures that i have taken around this area.

The Link below will take you to my pic page. You will be able to see pics of my friends. More will be posted as they become available.

This link is for all my real life friends as well as online friends...

This link will take you to my links page...I try to add new links regularly...

The link below will take you to a new page that contains some adult material.
It may not be suitable for young viewers.
It contains graphics that i have found in various places on the net, and have found them to be worthy enough to be posted on my webpage.

If you have any questions about this site, email the webmaster.

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This page created by ucabrae on January 19, 2000.
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