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All about me!!

what's up?  the names Robert.  I'm a 14/m/nh.  I have brown hair and blue eyes.  My hair's gonna be blonde soon.  Well not completely.  Anyway..... I go to portsmouth Junior High in 8th grade.  I hate Jimmy Kramer!!  He's such a fag!!!!  My best friend is Ginni.  She's so_____o cool (in looservile)  j/k.  Well that's abnout it.  my life isn't that exciteing.  Have Fun and sighn my book!


~ginni-  the Tizziest person I know

~Aaron- This is not a barnyard!!!!

~Amanda-  this is one sexy bitch

~Shawn- What was ur bra size again?

~Rachel- I know its old but. . . stay puffed

~Steph- wow!  how korny can u be?

~Haley- Hey Girlfriend!

~Ben-  U sexy bitch!

~Dave-  Tris did a good job dumping Jimmy for u!



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