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Everything has changed. Have you ever been in a position where you dident know where you would sleep? I'm at that point now. The world is not my friend. I will survive though. Nothings gunna stop me now cuz i dont care anymore! I have been born anew and have been given a new chance to be a better person. I dont know where this road will lead but I am sure i'll survive. Brazil has given me new eyes and I will forever be greatful. To all those that are in a desperate situation right now, don't lose hope you will never know where you will find a friend who is willing to do everything for you. Tomarrow will be ok.... hork soon the return booo hahahahah!!!!the world sucks so kill everything in it ....Pno i dont want pancakjes:Pdsçlfsadfsdjfklfgdfçlkhjgklçhghkçljfghkljfghkljfghlkjggjhfgjhflkjklgjhfg i wrote that a while ago. about a year ago i think. everything is difrent but not better. i'm still bouncing around from place to place not knowing where i will be tomarrow but its ok i like it....i think....hjrfsghgjfgdfsfdgfjfghdgcdxvbdxfsghdxhgdxnjgdxnbbbvbvbvbnvn
now i'm home nothing is the same........blork jkkjjkjkkjjkjkkkkk

i think i better update this. i dont know whi i have this anymore but i think im going to ake some use of it soon.........

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