2 da (not-so?) WICKED world of...

 adrienne 'n carmen!

hey wussup?  or 2 all u yanks out there.....wusdadiliyo?!  heh, neway...as u c we have done sum major SHIT & if u didn't notice it - click reload.  if dis is ur 1st time visiting happy land then we welcome u wif a big hug and kiss.  2 all our frequent guests, u'v prolly been around enuf 2 c our page progress from da basix....our initial aim wuz 2 become da bestest of da rest...& it may not be close 2 da really good ones but hey, we think it rox & if u beg to differ....go lick a d0g.  actually make it the d0gsass(_!_).
so pleeze enjoy ur stay & let us know what u think by dropping us a line in our guestbook.

If u get the irresistible urge 2 leave reality 4 awhile, go 2 other pages about us and enter carmen and adrienne's happy land! 

   DA 411 ON US


                     FALL 98 NEWZ    <----updated




  GRAD '98 PIX


                        SHOUTOUTS   <--- updated


LAST UPDATED: Jan 22nd/99
(last january of this millennium, oooohh pretty scary!)

Visitors since March 26th, 1998

If you have comments or suggestions, email us at girlyz@geocities.com

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Da 411 on us      About us Penticton Pix    Camping Pix    Pre-Grad Pix
Grad Dinner & Dance Pix       After-Grad Pix     Obsession     Linx      Fall '98 Newz         Adrienne's summer Play pal        Shoutoutz