Tamara's Corner in the World

Things seem to be picking

up around here, but still...

This website doesnt have too much on it, but it is just a place a store my stuff. I am changing things around and added new lay outs. It should be under construction for a while because I never have time to dedicate to this page. It seems life keeps you busy and no time to slow down. But I am thankful because at least I am never bored.

Hank was the newest edition in our lives, but last week someone spotted him picking Hank out of our yard and taking off with him. Hannah misses her baby so much so if anyone out there knows of anyone who might have done this please contact me. Info on the flyer. I am looking for a replacement pet. We need a small dog that will mostly be indoors. Let me know. It doesnt have to be full blood or with papers, maybe we will rescue one from the pound.

That just about concludes the updates I have had. I hope to write back soon and have more pictures of Hannah, the house, maybe a new pet.. Thanks for stopping by and have a good day

If you are interested in learning more about me. Just click here.

Warning, the links don't work because I am updating them. Give me about 5 years and I should be done. But of course everything that will be updated will also be outdated! Argh!

I have a picture page, just click here to go to it.

This is an old link from 1998. I haven't take this site down yet but I will update it with more picture and recent pictures also.

Tam's Links

If anyone has any suggestions on helping me or showing me new things, please e-mail me
