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Paky's Home Page

Versione Italiana

About me 
My family 
My friends 
My love 
Big Bight 
Beach,no other sand in the world is as white as this oneWelcome to my home page . This site is dedicated to all my friends , those who know me since long time ago and those I met and will meet on the Web . This will also be the place to share information with people that have planned to give a cut to their life for a new one . I already did it four years ago when I decided to quit my job , move from my home town , Naples in Italy , and went to live on a Caribbean Island , Roatan . Is this what you've always dreamed about ? Have you made your decision but don't know exactly where to go ? Are you ready to leave but don't have the courage to tell your girl/boy friend ? Write me , maybe I can be of some help . The following pages will give you a brief description of me , my life , my new life , the "brothers" I'm sharing my new life with , my family , and my best friends I left in Naples . There is also a Friendbook I would be glad you to sign or , if you want , you can just sneak around it to see who visited my page . See you in your new life ............ Paky  
West Bay Beach
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