A0F3: .



Here's a really mean little "blog" I wrote a few years ago to the wrong person. If I had my head on anywhere near as straight as it has been on for the past several years, the name "Helen" in this letter would've been replaced with the word "gilda" and Gilda's ass would've STAYED the fuck out on the curb to which I repeatedly and most "unexpectedly" "KICKED" her ass so that Helen and I could spend a few (more) days enjoying one another's company and fucking on that nice comfy pillow-top Serta Sleeper Gilda bought for "us" [] back in 2001.

...be sure your sound is on!

Just another "cypher" -- or just another hoax? Yuo be the judge, "Lucy!"


Welp, I kinda like writing here, so I think I'll just work on this one for a little while. I was going to continue bitching about the lack of provisions in the California Criminal Code -- provisions that might empower "good 'ole `NORMAL PEOPLE` (like me)" with certain PROTECTIONS from certain acts of "lifestyle thievery" that are committed by certain types of "FUCKING SCUMBAGS." What is a "FUCKING SCUMBAGS." and why might I bring up such an unpleasant topic? Simple:

A FUCKING SCUMBAG is the type of miserable, low-down, dirty-rotten, lying, thieving, deceitful, scheming, plotting, untrustworthy, unreliable, good-for-nothing PIECE OF MONKEYSHIT PIGVOMIT "DIRTBAG" who will knowingly and willingly commit malicious acts against a person or group of persons -- period. The "WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT" coefficient serves to assist in the establishment of just how MUCH of a SCUMBAG said "FUCKING SCUMBAG"(s) might actually be. I should take this opportunity to mention that the "WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT" is actually a large, multidimensional "array" comprised of "constituent components" that each have their own "upper" (and "lower") "boundary"(ies) soooOoOooooo far out there that no known datatype could be used to define the array components...but -- for the sake of simplicity and actually moving into the "meat" of this diatribe [unless you would like to read eighteen quadrillion pages of seemingly random numbers] -- let's just call the say the datatype would be somewhere between


[ and ]


and be done with it.

(The datatype declaration, not the "worthless piece of shit" {sic} "FUCKING SCUMBAG"(s) I am going to CONTINUE talking "MAD" shit on until they either (A) DIE or (B) acknowledge how fucking badly they fucked me over, acknowledge what fucking scumbags they are for doing so, and BEND OVER BACKWARDS to make amends -- period.

Just as I expect -- and WILL.FUCKING.GET. -- an APOLOGY from a certain person whose name starts with "MAR" and ends with "GIE"...just as I expect -- and WILL.FUCKING.GET. -- an APOLOGY from this "woman" who had better God Damned well see the Poet, "BIBLICAL" irony in finding herself TOWERED over by her own "Son" as he stands in JUDGMENT of her with nothing but the "complete and unadulterated truth" to support his position, I expect -- and I WILL.FUCKING.GET. -- an APOLOGY from each and every single one of these OTHER shit-eating, wretched vermin "heathen" scum DIRTBAGS whose malicious actions against me have either hindered the FURTHER development of my life [along previously established path] or otherwise PISSED. ME. THE. FUCK. OFF.

...oh yeah, one last thing: just as I am relying on the one hundred percent "unadulterated" truth -- that means I don't HAVE to lie like these fucking SHITBAGS because the TRUTH is ENOUGH (for me) -- in the production of grievance (upon grievance upon grievance upon grievance) against Margie, well...guess what? I'm relying on even MORE of the shit in the production of grievance (upon grievance upon grievance upon grievance upon grievance upon grievance upon grievance) against each and every single OTHER shitbag I consider worthy of being in receipt of the complaint[s] I lodge against them in the court of the highest authority imaginable.......the "highest authority imaginable" to me, anyway. And I always do well to make like a good little Christian boy (right before embarking on these little literary adventures into the happy land of "truth and justice" I enjoy so much) by meditating and praying real hard on "what is right," "what is true," "what is just," and "what is not the least bit similar to ANYTHING that might inspire scumbags like the ones I bring petition against to do to people what they have done to me.


A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT MORE on my misadventures as an "engineering manager" at "HOOKED ON PHONICS" -- all certified and bona fide one hundred fuckin' percent TRUE -- can be found at




(With the former being the most recently worked "blog" and the latter being one that I retired [after several years] in 2008. I have several hundred "preferred group only" posts that I am attempting to restore to public viewing when I have the time, so please be patient and check the "av8busacati" one [the one with one "I" instead of two] every now and then for "historical" updates. Or somethign...eh?


So I went ahead and moved some shit around and deleted some shit and all that. Know what I found?

Why, the CONDENSED version of my [civilian] resume! Don't worry -- it's all total bullshit...not a single statement on it is true (because I am stupid).

I have the really long one that outlines about a quarter of what I did in my "civilian" career as a technologist around here somewhere. Oh yeah, there's a cover letter that someone wrote for one (1) Ms. Laura Lum in here, and there is also some other shit. So go look at it.

Also found a little bit of this...

...a little bit of that...

...and a WHOOOOOLE lotta shit I CAN'T show y'all right now, but I CAN show yuo THIS!

(whoops I meant this...)

(...and this)
(and this.)

AND THIS......?)

(Back in the day...)
New from LJ, [llc]: Another love letter for spammers!
Sometimes, getting stoned and using the internet isn't always a great idea...
Welp, since the formatting on this particular gem keeps getting fucked up at myspace [and I have no desire to invest more than five minutes into the issue], I figured I would post it here. So...here it is:

2009.01.31:1037.490 hrs

From: Your Mother
Subject: FUCK YOU ALL!
To: You punk bitch faggots all know who you are.
cc: Lots of people who can fuck your miserable lives up.
bcc: Lots more people who can fuck your miserable lives up.


On "thievery" and only a few of its' NUMEROUS -- and, indeed, more [corny] "diabolical" [/corny] -- forms.

So there I was, working "under" this stupid bitch -- figuratively speaking, naturally...like in an "org chart" or something. Wait a minute, I've already written all about this shit on several occasions in the past! You can find a few examples in my blog history.

[Most of the rest can be found on what some people call "pleading paper.]

Let us consider thievery -- or "theft" -- for a moment. What does one who exhibits an act (or multiple acts) of "thievery" typically exhibit in terms of personality characteristics, moral tendencies, ethical (or UNethical) behavioral pattern(s), et cetera?

If you guessed "shitty," "backstabbing," "lying," "cheating," "deceitful," "untrustworthy," "DIShonorable," "scheming," "plotting," or "otherwise unable to be trusted for SHIT" then CONGRATULATIONS! You answered correctly. Oh, indeed, it does go somewhat deeper -- particularly when one studies one's own particularly indepth findings upon conducting a thorough analysis of another's "psyche" or something like that. Yep! I think that's what I meant to say.

Behavioral psychology / pathology (and Sociology and Biom[SNIP]) have always been "areas of interest" for me in terms of considering what type(s) of study(ies) I might wish to conduct over a given period of time. Sometimes, I have indeed felt inclined to study the "Psychology" one deals with (primarily) while conducting psychological "studies" of a "developmental" and "rehabilitative" nature. Naturally, if one were to consider studying "Developmental and Rehabilitative Psychology" [not psychiatry yet], one is expected to be in possession of at least a modicum of understanding with regard to the various "normal" psychological "states" evidenced in people from all walks of life.

(With a focus, obviously, on the Psychology student's intended area of expedition or "work.")

Just some thoughts, mind you, on different type(s) of the "storyboard backsetting" involved in the act of "character creation" well understood by those among my readership who enjoy the occasional perusal of a fictional work. I have always found that the best characters are created by writers who fully understand the characters they are creating or -- in any way -- can "relate with" them. Some bonus points for Authors who can assume a character (so to speak) through in-depth study of real-life examples thereof. (Other "bonus points" for authors who can assume a character through lifelong immersion in studies of that character's tendencies, whether through direct experience AS the "Character" or good 'ole studiously academic {and quite vicarious} living. Or something.)

So, as I was saying...if one were to be justified in one's consideration of "Developmental and Rehabilitative Psychology" as a course of (further) study -- or, in any way, be justified in considering as a(nother) "Major" (with an obvious "Minor" involving the study of various "oppresive" sociological archetypes and what causes them etc) -- in pursuit of something most people call a "credential" or a "sheepskin" or a "Board Certification" or any such thing, then one had damned well better have spent sufficient time immersing oneself in the study of the Human "Psyche" that one might truthfully stake claim to a breadth of knowledge related thereto...right?

Well, I can make no claim -- hell, look at me! I have the equivalent of a mid-year High School "Freshman" education. I was expelled from Lincoln High School for carrying a concealed fiream [and a knife and a bunch of firecrackers {M-100s, a couple M-1000s, Black Cats, you know...the usual stuff you'd come back home from Philadelphia with in the late eighties} and incendiary devices and lighters and stuff like that] and then life went downhill from there after I started working for consulting firms and designing databases for various State & Federal government agencies.

Whoops! Forgot to mention a couple dotcoms thrown in there, some big megalithic corporations where I worked side-by-side with talent from the big Five all day long [D&T, Andersen, Ernst & Young, PriceWater-Coopers, et cetera] designing databases and doing SAP/R3 implementations and depolying "cutting-edge" CRM apps [with SKILL and no GUESSWORK] and stuff like that. Oh, that's right. I'm a liar!

Fuck you bitch, you have no idea who I am, who I was, and WHO I FUCKING KNOW -- but I can assure you of THIS:

I AM "somebody."
I WAS "somebody."
And -- "with God as my WITNESS™" -- I FUCKING KNOW PEOPLE.

If you think you have seen some "reporting" on the SHIT you motherfuckers pulled in MY otherwise "satisfactory" civillian life, then you had better give your best effort into TRYING to imagine the depths to which I have taken my "official" investigative "reporting." I can assur you, I know my audience well and I have spoken their langauge in written form ALMOST as frequently as I have spoken it in "VERBAL" form. Why?

I have been pleading my side of the story, and YOU...you fucking BITCH...had better fucking be 100% honest -- just as I have -- in your responses this time.

The reason I say "this time" is...wait a minute, I forgot to tie up a couple "points" I was attempting to make.

"No education" : According to Rajeev's livejournal -- the one he maintained as "backblade" before privatizing it immediately upon finding himself in receipt of a couple nasty "surprises" [all of a benign, perfectly legal nature] from me -- I should've "finished college and gotten a degree." He also repeatedly referencing my six-figure income in relation to his (beginning) pricetag of $84,000/yr+hire-on bonus +++++. Why did he do this?

Because $84k was already a step beyond his "wildest dreams" and $110k++ was UNSPEAKABLE. Now, we all know Karnik's skill level SHOULD have carried an APPROPRIATELY APPLIED pricetag of maybe $35k-$45k in the '02-'03 California BAY AREA [and ORANGE COUNTY] technical job market -- one that was RIFE with recently unemployed talent with twenty+ years' kick-ass experience and a willingness to have done the job for a far departure from what they had been accustomed to.

Oh, how much could you have gotten guys like this for?

Shit, if you really wanted to screw 'em, about $50k+. What they're worth? $84k+!

That's what RAJEEV got from his BEST FRIEND KRISTIN SHENK! Isn't THAT a nice present! No consideration WHATSOEVER was given the pile of resumes I tried to drop in her laughably flabby lap -- a pile of resumes FULL of those from people with whom I had previously enjoyed professional relationships. Oh yeah, and ALL of them were MORE than qualified for the "Systems Manager" job.

(Rajeev's last big endeavor before being relegated to "Couch Potato" -- or "BENCHED" status on his Mommie and Daddy's little couch while REAL technologists who know what they're doing {like me} were off making WOTS and WOTS of MOOONNNEEEYY!!! -- was [A] "go around and install the AOL client as a replacement for LOTUS fucking NOTES at AOL/TIME WARNER after the merger in support of the then-CEO's "if it's good enough for our CLIENTS, it's good enough for US" initiative and [B] CHANGE THE FUCKING PRINTER TONER.)


That's what MY new peer did -- HE CHANGED THE FUCKING PRINTER TONER!!!!!!111



You started a war with me, and as it has been said:

      You can take the soldier out of the fight, but you cannot take the fight out of the soldier.

Fuck off, assholes.



So I've got to write here because myspace blogs are all fucked up for the moment and...well...here I am. Always good to have a "plan B" -- ya know?

What I am wondering is this: why am I here? Not as in "why the fuck am I alive on this wretched little miserable planet (that is filled overflowing with wretched and miserable little people I'd sooner crush than shit upon) and why the fuck have I been forced to live in a manner far less than sufficient (or otherwise "satisfactory") for most of my life and why the fuck are people who fuck up other people's lives allowed to fucking continue living and ... "[SNIP]

Where was I going with this one? Well, lately I've been writing about my experiences as a roommate of one (1) Mr. "Eric Kerker" -- Mister fuckin' cool himself, man! I really sure did enjoy being his roommate last winter -- it fuckin' got this year off to a fine God Damned start, boy I'll fuckin' tell ya! Whoooooohooo did I fuckin love being Eric's roommate, man...and how couldn't I have?!?!?! Eric is by far the coolest, studliest, most "x-treme", most humble, most fascinating person I have ever had the pleasure...no no no, wait -- the HONOR -- of sitting across from at the dinner table while he shovels food loudly into his mouth and drags the fork or spoon on his teeth (loudly) and chews (loudly) and then wraps up the fine display of class by sitting on the couch for an hour or two digging in his nose while flipping through the channels on the television as opposed to maybe picking SOMETHING to fucking WATCH and then STICKING WITH IT.

(Not that all of my biggest pet peeves EVER being rolled into one convenient single-size serving of a human and then dropped right into my lap [for several months] could possibly be one of the most maddening experiences I have ever had to deal with or anything like that. No, I love it when people chew (loudly) with their mouth(s) open and bang the utensil(s) against their teeth and and dig in their fucking nose for hours at a time. I love it, man -- it's my favorite thing!!!

I can't stand people with no fucking class. I'm sorry, but one does not have to be taught "good manners" in order for "good manners" to somehow develop -- all one truly need do is open oneself up to the receipt of even just a modicum of COMMON. FUCKING. SENSE. and one can indeed figure out the whole "good manners" thing.

(I think there might be a little bit about common decency and respect / concern for OTHERS that I could throw in there too, but yuo get the idea. People who lack class are usually fucking idiots.)

I think that's what I am going to bitch about for awhile -- people with no fucking class. Ya know, I hate just about everything...right? Everything -- I fucking hate everything. There are some things I hate more than others, and honestly there might even be a thing or two I don't hate. Chickens, for example. I don't hate chickens. Pigeons too. In fact, I like pretty much all the birds. Here's my favorite kind of bird, it's the kind that I hope chases all the faggots who have come into my life and played their sad little game(s) all around hell forever and ever after they (the faggots) die:

So where was I with all of this shit? Oh, yes... I think it is coming to me! I think I am about to remember exactly what I was going to say next!!!!11

You know what?

I fucking HATE faggots.

Now, "faggot" -- at least when being used (by me) in this context -- does not refer to the sexual orientation (actual or assumed) of another human being or animal or plant or anything. When I use the word "fagoot", I can assure yuo of three things:

I am not homophobic.
I am not calling someone a pile of kindling.
I am not talking about cigarettes.

When I call someone a "faggot", I am basically calling that person(?!?) the worst thing I can imagine calling them. To me, "faggot" is pretty much the biggest insult I could lay onto someone. Sometimes I shorten the word "faggot" -- y'ever heard the word "fag", as in "yuo are all a bunch of fags" [or anything like that]? It's a good word to use when yuo want to insult someone -- or, at least, I have always believed so.

So I've been writing a lot about my experiences with "Eric the fag" over at my blog [myspace: AV8BUSACATII]. Unfortunately, I cannot write about my experiences with "Eric the fag" at my blog right now because something is all fucked up with myspace blogs, but whatever...I'll write about it here. Or something. I dunno. Why don't I know? Because I am stupid like all yuo worthless pieces of MONKEYFUCK who have come into my life and tried to run yuor sorry little punk bitch faggot hater games. Yuo are all, indeed, a bunch of fags.


I've decided to write something here because the terminal I'm on...well...it's a shitty story. Basically it's running a kinda locked down version of Firefox (I don't particularly like firefox, mind yuo). It's kind of an old version of Firefox and none of the flash crap is working on it so I can't really do shit anywhere...so here I am writing in about the only place I can being that I don't need flash or any of that bullshit to edit this page. SO, bleah.

ANYWAY, what in the hell should I say? Well, I've been writing a lot over at my blog (myspace: AV8BUSACATII). I've spoken out on fucked up shit in my own life and I've spoken out on fucked up shit I see around me that either directly or indirectly effects my life. Hell, some of the fucked up shit I see will likely not have an impact on my own life for quite some time (if ever), but it's still fucked up shit so I've decided to bitch about it.

I do have a serious side, you know...

I truly, honestly, really really REALLY would like to be able to write about something other than all the really fucked up shit I either see or experience. It gets old, you know, being this opinionated and having those opinions slanted toward what many might see as "negativity." Am I a negative person because so much both in my life and in the world around me tends to piss me off? No, I'd think not. I do not consider myself a "negative person" at all. What I do consider myself to be is "a person who has had way more than his share of FUCKED UP bullshit." I am sick and GOD DAMNED FUCKING TIRED of all the stupid shit I am not only forced to experience on an almost constant basis but also forced to witness...like, consider the bank bailout horseshit!

Go read my blog bitching and know that I really vehemently oppose this sort of shit. BIg giant government handouts for the biggest "industry players"? WHAT.THE.FUCK? American automobile manufacturers with their hands out for loan guarantees? OK, here...let's approach that one for a minute:

I can't do a decent job running a company and I've managed to ram this turd into the ground -- well, me and my cronies. I know, I know...I've been compensated quite handsomely, but I just can't seem to get my way about me. I've got an idea! I'll turn to the taxpayers and ask for them to guarantee the loans I need in order to pay myself a big giant salary and continue mismanaging my business. Then -- after all THAT money is gone and I've still managed to come out holding an empty bag, well...there won't be any accountability because these loans will be guaranteed by the taxpayers and I'm off the hook scott free. Right?

I know, I know, that is such a broad oversimplification that it almost borders on ignorance. Do bear in mind that I am simply making light of stupid shit that I see in this case; I know there is a lot more to it than this...but you get my idea, right?

The economy is assfucked and the biggest players responsible? They're all looking for a bailout either directly or indirectly at the expense of taxpayers. So let me get this straight -- particularly with regard to the BANKS -- you have fucked me and/or people like me any chance you got. Late fees, charges, up the ass interest, you name it. And now you want my money to bail you out from under the mess you mismanaged yourself(ves) into? Right, let me get on that as soon! Tell ya what, I am going to head into the bathroom and as soon as I can drop a big eight pound gold ingot into the bowl, I'll have something for you. Until then? Please kindly go and fuck yourself.

I don't want to hear the paranoia plays (or other attempts at coercing people into submission, participation, acceptance, or worse: hysteria) about how "many millions of american jobs will be lost" if we don't do such and such [usually has to do with giving SOMEONE ridiculously large sums of money at the expense of SOMEONE{s} else]. I don't want to hear about how the economy is going to crumble if we don't pump more money into the "system." Bullshit. There are certain markets that require a correction -- this "credit-based economy" shit needs to take a back seat to something that might actually allow people to accumulate savings as opposed to living in perpetual servitude to a debt master. We have been sold into debt slavery whether you like it or not, and now SOME of our government(s) is(are) working very hard to ensure this existence the average working adult American has more or less been forced to accept {perpetual servitude to a debt master} is maintained. Why?

Well, I guess this is where the wacked-out paranoia shit comes from. Maybe I'll make with some more of those "deranged lunatic babblings" (of a "conspiracist theorist" who knows absolutely nothing about what he speaks of, no less)? OK, well...consider this. Consider the possibility that "classism" (or "class warfare") is very real and alive, and consider the posibility that one weapon in the offensive side's arsenal (that be the "ruling class") might be simple preoccupation. Really is quite simple and it's not like I am the first person to ever comment on this very real state of existence:

Say yuo go to work at some lame corporate job yuo have for 8-10+ hours every day where you do little other than worry about someone else's bullshit, solve someone else's problems, make someone else money, and of course get your "action item list" crapped upon constantly by someone else who wants you to do shit for them so that they (or their bosses or their bosses' bosses or their bosses' bosses' bosses or[SNIP]) can make lots of money while you earn a shitty little salary that barely allows you to make the monthly debt burden, put some food on the table, enjoy the occasional "incidental" indulgence (i.e. a night out with the wife and/or kids, perhaps), and -- ohmigosh Heavens NO -- sock away a little savings that perhaps the kids might be able to have an easier go at college or your old-age might not be characterized by impoverishment and pain because yuo can't afford the pharmaceutical companies' hefty price tags for drugs that treat the symptoms and not the problems.

So there's all that fucked up shit, and then...wait a minute. That's 8-10+ hours at the office (or wherever), and...well...there's that damned nagging concern in the back of your mind(s) that yours might be the next job to get farmed off to some American consulting firm that -- at a bargain -- exploits a foreign economy and skims a hefty chunk off the top for its officers! So there's that. Then there are all the idiot bosses who do not understand a single God damned THING having to do with good business acumen and so naturally they drop turd upon turd right on top of your desk complete with budget and/or timelines extracted directly from the ass(es) of said idiot dipshit know-nothing boss(es) who -- in some cases -- would likely never have gotten that job had their own father(s) and/or friend(s) been in a position of authority within the organization sufficient to slide 'em on over into the org chart (and pay them fairly handsomely). We'll not talk any more about the completely hair-brained initiatives and the "arbitrarily extracted from someone's ass" budget and timeline that typically goes with so many of these things; let's talk about...

The commute!

Wait a minute, so we're in the office for 8-10+ hours every day (hoping we don't get tapped on FRIDAY to work at least one day over our WEEKEND -- being we're salaried and all, naturally we owe it to the company to be at it's beck and call) but what about the matter of getting to work? NO PROBLEM! Just cram your ass into a vehicle that sucks money out of you at possible opportunity, sit in traffic, get good and pissed off, pay to park the motherfucker somewhere, and then trot your happy little ass into work! That took...how long, for most people? Well, some people it's just a few minute. Others? An hour or two? Still others? A few HOURS.

Consider the "geographically displaced" worker -- "geographically displaced" from his office so that he could actually afford to buy a halfway decent house for the family he never gets to spend time with to live in. Why does he never get to spend time with them? Because he doesn't get home until eight or nine in the evening, and bedtime is around nine or ten. Then of course on the weekends maybe there's a little decompression, sure (assuming he's not working). And in addition to all of this?

Constant concern over how this month's bills are going to be paid with slightly less than what is required to pay them, given the ARM [adjustable rate mortgage] just kicked in and now we're fucked. Banks could've seen that someone who could've barely afforded the initial "teaser" rate will never in a billion years be able to afford a few hundred more a month.

They could've seen it, and perhaps they did! Perhaps that was their play to bilk people out of a few thousand dollars in interest and fees (with a comparatively tiny amount actually being applicable to principle) only to take the house in foreclosure proceedings a couple years later at a time -- so, I'd imagine, the banks gambled -- when the property might be worth considerably more and as such could be sold at an even higher profit. Perhaps some banks gambled on more FED futzing with basis points and other such things that would lead to an upward trend in interest rates, and these higher rates would be applied to the next poor sap who comes along to rent the house from the bank for a couple years before the bank takes it back and repeats the cycle again (and again and again).

This all a very real possibility, ya know -- but it is just pure speculation on my part. NOW the banks need a handout -- never mind the fact that there should be billions and billions and billions of dollars laying around, being that trillions have been bilked out of the consumers. All that money is tied up, right? It's all lent out? Banks can't cover their own losses? So let me get this straight here...the banks need US to bail them out because they have COMPLETELY exhausted their resources and they have no reserves? There haven't been billions of dollars flying around making other people wealthy, this is just all a big honest mistake and the banks are real sorry and they all promise they will stop fucking everyone on fees and charges and interest if they could just have one more chance?

I haven't smelled anything this fishy since the time my old college roommate came home from banging my ex-wife. What are we, stoopid? So let me get this straight -- if WE fuck up and fall on hard times, well...tough shit. Right? Bankruptcy is our option and anything financed will be taken from us (i.e. house, car, etc) and we'll be kicked out onto the streets by a banking institution that couldn't possibly give less of a fuck about us. Right? But these banks that have made TREMENDOUS amounts of money off of people -- and don't even get me started on the hypocrisy behind us being "one nation under God" when it serves the interest(s) of those thumping the bible but...well...hang on a second. What does the bible say about fucking one another in the ass with astronomical interest rates? Oh, hell -- not a God damned thing! In fact, yuo will get absolutely nothing out of perusing the following passages (this is not an all-inclusive list):

Exod. 22:26-27
Deut. 24:10-17
Deut. 23:19-20
Exod. 22:25
Lev. 25:35-37
Deut. 23:20
Deut. 15:8, 10
1 Cor. 6:1-7

WELP that should get you started. Go and read some of that shit -- especially if you live in this great "Nation under God" (the United States), then tell me if there is so much hypocrisy behind the lip service paid to that whole "Nation under God" thing (when convenient or otherwise of service to those paying the lip service), or if we should just go ahead and write the "Newer Testament" so that we can mold the Bible and God into something more convenient for us.

(Oh yeah, and it was just a coincidence that the Dow took a 777.68 dump on it's own face the other day. Any numerologist on the planet would tell you there is absolutely no significance in numbers like that and that anybody suggesting anything more than a coincidence should be immediately hog-tied, tarred, feathered, dragged to a grove of trees behind a horse-drawn carriage, and then immediately hung from the highest tree found. Or something.)

Our economy is in it's death throes. It has been written -- I don't have a bibliographical reference for you at the moment nor do I have verbatim quotes, but I promise I will work on these things when I have time -- that the last act(s) of a failing government will be to "loot the coffers", so to speak. If yuo can not see the beginning of this happening now, then yuo are stoopid.

NOTE: Pandering to the agendae of "special interest" and otherwise showing preferential treatment in the bailout of individuals and organizations experiencing financial dire straits [where the "preferential treatment" is biased toward those having the "most money"] is indeed just one among many of the forms that at least I believe this "governmental death throe looting" might manifest. Do consider the executive office also has available to it executive order(s) authorizing such things as the freezing of CITIZEN-held banking assets {i.e. your savings account[s], your checking account[s], your certificate[s] of deposit[s], your credit union account[s], et cetera). A "run on banks" is the last thing the government and its rich corporate sponsors want right now because it is a fairly well known fact that banks do make SOME of their money by lending YOUR money to someone ELSE. While you might get a shitty little 2% or 3% return {that doesn't even keep up with cost-of-living indices} on your nest-egg, be assured the "moneylenders" are making considerably more than that off of your money. This, naturally, represents the minority -- but it is a practice engaged in by the banks nonetheless.

Why should we bail the banks out? Part of the reason prices for just about everything are what they are is because we have this "credit based economy" and...well...it is through the usage of such things as credit cards and equity lines of credit that individuals are able to afford paying hundreds and even thousands of percent markup for products that cost but the smallest fraction of the sale price to produce in foreign countries with conveniently exploitable economies. Ya wanna know why American jobs go overseas? Because corporations are greedy and they do not want to settle for a MODEST profit margin of around twenty to a hundreds percent when that can be increased almost exponentially by having their products manufactured in parts of the earth where pennies on a dollar is sufficient to house and feed and clothe ENTIRE FAMILES -- such that they are conditioned to accept, that is. And in many places [particularly taken advantage of by large petroleum conglomorates who shall remain nameless for the moment shhhhh] the absence of regulative authority that might force them to expend millions (or even billions) of dollars on such meaningless endeavors as...well...cleaning up? Yeah. Bleed the earth dry then leave the mess for someone else to clean up. That is the American way, right? So let's just go ahead and hand these TYPES of "people" hundreds of billions of MORE dollars [rather than finding ways to circumvent protections afforded them through their various jurisdictions' incorporation laws and holding them PERSONALLY accountable that they might offset the damage of the messes they've made with their own MASSIVE {in some cases} cash reserves, for starters] -- QUICK!

Let's start hemmorhaging money even faster that this whole "last acts of a dying government" can be done with and we can replace it with something that actually serves the interests of the masses.

Or something like that. I don't know shit, I'm stupid. I'll finish and edit this later.