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Old School pack photos

Old School pack photos part deux

The Truth about aunt fredrica

Welcome to the wolfpack hompage. All packers are about to enter their third year out of college and moving in various directions. Matt and Jeff have a phat pad set up in crooklyn on south 8th street where they enjoy black lable on ice and enforce a strict no shoe policy. Jeff is about to launch a tutoring service in nyc while getting his book published. Matt has recently returned from Portland and is continuing his love of the cullinary arts in nyc. Eli has his own place on 106th on the west side and is working in the education field. Jeremiah is still holding it down in San Fransico working diligently and enjoying all types of pizza.san fransisco Chris Hayes just got back from a 4 month trip through south America and is now back to Chicago where he will continue his career in journalism. href= "http://cubs.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/chc/homepage/chc_homepage.jsp">chicagoBerlin, Germany trying to learn some German and have a good time. Sam is off to the University of New Haven to be their assistant varsity volleyball coach. Jeff and Zach skip winter all together when they make their way to santiago, chile in the early fall. Finally, Craig will be keeping things in nyc under control while he prepares for med school in the fall of 2002. until everyone returns.

Remember to check this site frequently for pack news flashes and ocassional photo updates.

Take a look at latest PMAIL TOTALS PAGE

chris : chrislhayes@brown.edu
craig :cmc44@cornell.edu
eli : elirous@hotmail.com
jeff : jflane44@hotmail.com
jeremiah : jeremiah_lane@hotmail.com
kris : kristofer_rutman@hotmail.edu
matt :matthewstimmel@hotmail.com
sam : sammy8sammy@hotmail.com
ian imackdaddy@aol.com
eddie : etcoop@aol.com
Email Zach, the creator of the Wolfpack homepage at biggriz
Or email the entire wolfpack at:the wolfpack

updated slightly on 01.24.2001