to the home of
Hi , welcome to my place in cyberspace.
I hope I can stay away from chat long enough to actually do something here. I've only been online since
April 97, but in that short time I have come to enjoy netlife so much. As all my friends from Yahoo chat will
tell you , I just about live there. Cyberspace is MY space, time out from all the hassles of RL.
A place to play, a place to just be me.
Well here goes, a little about oz!
I live in Melbourne, Australia, am married with 3 wonderful kids & 2 dogs.
I was working part-time in retail fashion.
I guess I always have so much to say LOL.
Now I have recently started up my own business doing internet tuition .
The biz is called
"Hooked On-Line"
and it's great to be able to pass on my love of the net and to teach others how to use it
*hopefully for good and not evil*
I love to laugh and have a wicked sense of humour,
which those of you who know me will agree
*cheeky grin*
Fun is what life is all about!
I love comedy, listening to music, and enjoy making ceramics.
I love Aussie Rules footy and follow the Tigers.
You will find a few links on my page to find out more about the things I enjoy.
I cherish my new found friends in cyberspace.
I would like to dedicate this page to my special friend and cybersis
for without her help, I would not have this page.
"Thanks SIS"
See what trouble we caused when we went to Sydney
"OMG they're on their WAY"
Mezzmerized ,
Mick4426 & Darkwraith are headed for Melbourne
pssssst.......see what Aussie and oz have in store for them
See what really happened
Music Page
I am a yahoo hussie.
Please take away an angel
to watch out over you
and bring you luck and happiness
in everything you do .
Please sign the guestbook so I don't POUT!!!!
Download your own little virtual-oz-chic to run round your puter!!
Please Click above to visit my Christmas page
This page last updated 12th July '99