Welcome to
Hunny's 'lil Home on the Web!!

...and thanks for visiting my first attempt at a homepage...*S* I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out, and slowly but surely I'll add more and more to the page so feel free to come back and visit as often as you like. But for now, *sigh* please excuse the mess...*L*
Also, this page was created using Netscape...so if you are using another browser....*L* I hope all goes well!

*Whew*...*S* Now, with that having been said, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 28 years old, and I am a born and raised Texas gal. I have been happily married to my high school sweetfor over 8 years now and we had our first child in February of 1997...*GBS* A beautiful boy, with mommy's blue eyes and daddy's brown hair. He is our littleand we wouldn't trade him for the world!!! WOW, do I sound like a new mommy or what?...*LOL*

I have several hobbies and interests. At home, when my son gives me the time, I enjoy reading...Just about anything of Danielle Steel's and on Oprah's Book Club list. Hey, I already finished school, for now, and my reading has been reduced to entertainment purposes only! *L* I also enjoy crafting. Everthing from painted outfits to cross stitch to crocheting...you name it and I have probably tried it. My husband and I also enjoy going out and hearing local live bands, as well as throwing darts, shooting pool, and (usually) drinking too much.*LMAO* But lately, most of my spare time has been spent right here on the net *S* and chatting is one of my favorite past times. Most of you know me as Hunny, but, just to let you know, I do have other handles. But I do know how to keep a secret so...*L*
You'll have to catch me if you can. *LOL*

And, before you ask, the spelling H-U-N-N-Y, comes from, you guessed it, Winnie the Pooh. He loved hunny!! I decorated the baby's nursery in Pooh and have several great pics of it, including a huge mural of a tree in the Hundred Acre Wood. Visit My Baby's First Web Page to see them.

Click here to go to My Baby's First Web Page

Click here to go to Hunny's Funny Page

Click here to go to Jamaica

Here are a few of my favorite links...*S*

Just click on one of the links below if it looks interesting to you.
Hope you enjoy!!

Email the President...tell him what you think!!

Please help find missing children.

ICQ...A pretty good way to chat.

Pow Wow...A VERY good way to chat!

The Psychic Chicken...When you just gotta know! *L*

Tarot Cards...Up for a reading?

Hotmail...Free email anyone?

The Animal Protection Institute...If you love animals as much as I do!

Well, being a mommy keeps me pretty busy, hence the short homepage...*L*...But as I said before...

This site will always be under construction, so come back often to see the changes!!

Guestbook by Lpage


...before you go, click on the little obnoxious guy to e-mail me at hunnyb@hotmail.com!
Just drop me a line to say hi and let me know that you were here!

Or, you can just fill in the following three lines and submit!

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Please come back soon and visit me again.

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