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Life is Good... I Want to Share
SWM, early 30's
Email address below

I have a unique approach to life that has served me well.
This includes HONESTY, an OPEN MIND, and LOGIC.
These 3 combined tell me an approach like this just may help me find the woman I'm looking for.
I am going to lay it all on the line here with an HONEST profile of me.
I'm even going to go out on a limb by including a picture. No surprises here.
This could be so straight forward it just may work. Can't be worse then the bar scene.

Below you will find an explanation of who I am and what I'm looking for.
Then at the bottom is an a more detailed profile. Check it out.
IF you find you're an 80 % match then DO RESPOND !!!
If not a match then move on and good luck in your search.


My personality is a unique combination and I hope that I can find my match.
What I mean by saying "unique combination" is that I am very much young at heart on the fun side of life,
yet on the more important aspects of life I am dead serious.

On one hand I consider matters of the future & financial stability very important.
IF you are seeking a motivated person you have found him. I have high goals in life & a plan to achieve them.
My work pays me a monthly salary every week AND time to enjoy it.
Best of all I can stay up late & sleep in mornings !
Life is good; I'm ready to share.
The pursuit of money isn't everything, and may be superficial to some, but I'm fortunate in that I truly enjoy my work. And let's face it, toys and travel cost money. I have been in this great country less then a year so I'm just getting started, but I'm already earning equivalent 6 figures so I plan to use free enterprise to its full potential.

On the other hand, if you say "let's blow a joint & ride the wildest roller-coaster in Texas !", I'm with you.
If you say to me there's a good band in town you want to see, I'm there. Or if you have a great adventure/drama video you want to watch, I'm cuddling up with you. I think you get the picture.
In or out, I can pretty much enjoy myself & have fun anywhere. It's who you are with & attitude that's important.

It would seem most people I meet are one kind or another : The responsible & serious often don't know how to kick back and enjoy, or are just plain boring. The wilder people often don't care about anything, are going nowhere in life, lack morals, and/or don't have respect for themselves or others.
I don't mean to generalize, I'm just trying to make a point.

To some I may appear as quite a contradiction. I may seem to be conservative on some issues,
but a thrill seeking liberal on others. I would like to think its possible to be slightly on the wilder side
without being irresonsible, immoral, or crazy. I guess that makes me a libertarian.
I am that combination, are you ??? Please tell me you exist !


I seek a woman 23 - 32 with similiar traits to me. See profile below. She must be INTELLIGENT and able to carry a debate. IQ tests I've taken put me in the 130 range so I'm always up for a mental challenge. I'd love to find a girl who can challenge me in a game of chess, or explain to me the plot of the movie we just watched.

Someone who is diverse enough that she would would love going to a Rock concert and/or to a museum to see the traveling Egyptian artifact showing. Native American Art is always cool.
And if she can appreciate the comic genius of the 3 Stooges, WOW ! But that's probably asking too much.

I don't really care what work she does as long as she enjoys it and tries to be the best she can be. It would be great if she was an entrepreneurial thinker with some business ideas and we could build something together.
If she can play music, or wants to learn, that's a plus. Of course these things not necessary.

But that doesn't mean she can't have a mischevious/naughty side.
No one is perfect but there is a certain line that good people don't cross.
I'm not looking to be the next surprised idiot guest on the Jerry Springer show.
As cheating can lead to a death sentence disease for either partner I take the word commitment very seriously.

When it comes to looks I'm open to most types. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all. A great relationship with that added physical "spark" is like double icing on cake. Different people have different opinions on what creates that "spark" for them. Sweet & feminine go a long way with me.
I keep myself reasonably fit and would expect the same from my partner. I think the Duchess was onto something when she proclaimed: "you can never be too thin or too rich."
As for me, you'll have to be the judge. That's why I posted the picture. If you're reading this far I would hope there must be some interest, or else you must have serious time to waste.

Now in business not only do you have to extol your finer points, but you also have to distinquish yourself from your competitors. So...

As you may have picked up from an earlier statement, I'm not from the U.S. The above picture was taken about 40 miles from where I used to own my home. Special prize to anyone who can guess where this is.
Maybe I'll take you there if you like hiking. Hint: I am white (obviously) and English is my 1st & only language.
That narrows it down to a handful of countries.
So... to my point, if you haven't had the best luck with men lately, maybe it's time to try some thing different !
The girl I want to be with would proclaim: " I'll try anything once " so here's your chance to show it.

PLUS, with me being from some foreign country far away YOU get 2 ADVANTAGES:
1) You appear "worldly" to your friends.
2) You won't have any nearby in-laws to deal with !

As you may have guessed by now I studied marketing in university.

If you're asking yourself : "What's this guy like ?" Think about it. When I moved to this great country I could have chosen to live anywhere and I chose AUSTIN !
Okay, maybe this is where my finger was pointing to when the globe stopped spinning, but I did research it before I came & I do love it here. So if you're an Austin kind of girl I think we're a match.


Height: 6'
Weight: 170 Lbs.
Hair: Have all of it. Sandy blond.
Dress: Casual

Education: University degree in Business
Car: Turbo MR2 See a picture here FAST !

Radio Sations: 107.1 94.7 103.5 107.7 102.3, 93.7 & Talk radio
Music: All kinds of rock, classic rock & oldies , some (little) country, and pretty much NO rap/hip.
Some eclectic/spacey or classical music when appropriate. VH - 1 " Behind the Music ".
I like all kinds, but if I could choose 2 bands to play at my wedding : Pink Floyd, U-2

Turn ons: Learning, music, dogs & most animals, sports cars, collecting cool stuff, thrills, sleeping in, Coca-Cola, Hot tubs, intelligence, creativity, perfection, logic, bright & informed people.
Hope you like Beagles. See Spike here. See Spike run.

Turn offs: Early mornings, socialists, people in my way, stupidity. Evil (recent addition).

Interests: History, war, Art, aviation, psychology & learning what makes people tick, computers, politics, business/entrepreneurship.

Vices: Non-smoker, light social drinker (at most), anti-chemical, Herb friendly. In my great old country it wasn't such an issue as it is here, YUCK. As in most things in life, you can't over do it.

Activities: Music ( listening, watching & playing), playing pool, dancing, night owl, road trips, museums &
gallaries, the lake, thrill-seeking, swimming, boating, the outdoors, traveling, playing guitar, reading, games, people watching, cooking, mental challenges.

Fitness: I work out occasionally to keep fit but I'm not a fanatic about it. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. I prefer games/sports that keep it interesting.
Sports ( watching or playing, but I'm not a fanatic ) : Hockey, football, golf, baseball, racquetball, auto racing.
Special Skills: Juggling, Tae-Kwon-Do green belt. Play one mean rhythm guitar.

Secret Dream: That my business can one day take care of itself and me, so I can take a shot at music. Because at this point in my life I'm not prepared to be the starving artist traveling the bar circuit for 10 years.

Personal Style: Terminally happy. Optimistic. Pretty much silly most of the time. Sarcastic sense of humor.
Philosophy: Life is to enjoy, savior and learn from.

Morals: I probably agree with at least 80 % of what Dr. Laura says.
If we dont have TRUST, HONESTY, INTEGRITY, and RESPECT, then we have NOTHING !

Well I've opened my life for the world ( and the police ) to see.
IF you think you're a good match then what are you waiting for... CALL !

Contact me by emailing direct or use the yahoo personals response.