APFPY 1st Anniversary

In Celebration of what Eugene Brought to Life

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this webpage is to celebrate the first anniversary of the USENET group, alt.penpals.forty-plus-yrs, founded on September 2, 1996, by Eugene Calame. In this first year our group has grown into the diverse neighborhood that he foresaw and we here dedicate this page to Eugene and thank him for his foresightedness in anticipating a place for adults to gather, mingle, talk, debate, fight, share, and otherwise be part of the neighborhood.

A Note from our founder, Eugene: Eugene has written a brief history of what brought him to create this group. We hope you read Eugene's comments to our group.

CONTRIBUTORS/MEMBERS: Several of our members and lurkers here post their comments, feelings, thoughts on APFPY and the past year. To know us, stop by sometime. There's always a pot of coffee on. We're also frequently on "IRC" and you're welcome to join us there. Posts are listed with newest at top and earliest at bottom.

Page created by: d.s.kirk@ix.netcom.com
Changes last made on: Sun Sep 14, 1997
The above website was the original APFPY website and is left here for nostalgic reasons. Many of the links no longer work.