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since 7/7/00
Hey everyone!! Thanks for coming to my page, it isn't very good I know, but oh well. This is my first page and I came into it having no idea what I was doing so please try and bear with me. Oh and could you please sign the guestbook even if you don't have anything to say, so I will feel special. Well I guess I'll start out with my friends since they're the ones who are there for me all the time...
I think that having friends who are willing to listen to your problems, supportive, honest, caring, and not judgmental are very important. Luckily, all my friends are like that. First of all I'd like to thank all of them for just being there.
Not in any particular order, my friends are...
- Jessica (also my older sister)
- Kat (my cousin)
- Amy Ruth
- Sara
- Liz
- Lindsey
- Alesha
- Erica
- Ben
- Joey
- Judd
- Adrienne
- Angel
- Randy (visit his band's website)
- Jason (visit his and Josh's band's website)
- Josh
- Nate (visit his band's website)
- Ryan
- Dave
- Andrew
- Stew
- Dustin
- Elvis
- Christopher
- Zach, Beth and their mom Jane
- Amy
- Danielle
That's all, at least I think so... if I forgot anyone I'm very sorry, please tell me if I have left out anyone.
Now if you'd like to see my picture, click here
My interests are:
Listening to music (punk, emo, and ska), going to local shows, working at Club IMPACT, playing guitar (or trying to), snowboarding, writing poetry, staying straight-edge, chatting online (when I have time),
Page me on icq!!
living for GOD, and doing outdoor things..
Go to my page about the music I like
or see pictures of my friends and I here
Also check out Footprints In the Sand.
NEW!Read my testimony!NEW!
Here are the links to some pretty cool pages
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Email me at skankingirlie@uswest.net if you have any questions or just wanna talk.
Thank you for visitng my web page!!

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