Peace, Calm and Positivty

chronic Fatique (ME) Fibromylagia, Conversion Disorder, Stress, Living..

It is not easy to be positive in today's world where so much stress is active. So many people live in fear so many people manage alone with illness and loneliness. The daily news, each day advertises the negatives of life, the horrors the violence the crime. Very little focus is given to love, unless of disrespect, or happiness.

Conversion Disorder (CD) fibromyalgia, (FM) chronic fatigue (ME) are considered stress related illnesses. Stress can be one cause and stress can aggravate conditions suffered. Being positive, Is not a complete cure of illness but it can help one feel happier and manage symptoms in a better way.

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Life is not always easy, It can become more managable when finding the positives in all that is and believing more in the SELF...
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