Welcome to the E-mail

Pen-pal Page!

I am sorry that I have not been keeping this page up to date, I am sorry for any problems that you may have had. I am back on the net and will accepting E-mail. Thank You, Michael Brassine

If you are looking for Pen-pals, You have come to the right place!!! And guess what???


As you will be able to tell, I don't have very many people listed. I am just starting out.

I would really appreciate it if you would e-mail me at IU@SOON.COM and give me your e-mail address and name, If you would be interested in being placed on the pen-pal list. And as I said earlier, It is free. All I ask is for your patientince and time...

Thank you very much!!!! :o)

I Don't Care Who I Write To!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Want To Write To Females Only!!!!!!

I Want To Write To Males Only!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for stoping by.

Since March 28,1998 You are the

person to stop by!!!!!!

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