Vicci's Heart

Welcome to my personal home on the web.....Vicci's Heart. 
My name is Vicci Doyle. These pages were put together by myself in order for You to get to know me better. I hope you enjoy them. 

  First, Who am I? Try the About Me Button.

  Secondly, What are my primary interests? Try the Causes Button.

I lost my Mother when I was just five years old. 
        This is the Memorial Tribute page I created for her. Her name was Connie Lee.

Motherless Women Support Homepages. I created this site for women who
         have lot their mothers for whatever reason, Death, Abandonment, Estrangement,
         or Adoption. The MWSH site goes hand in hand with email discussion lists for 
         Women who have lost their Moms that I moderate at Yahoo Groups.  If you have
         lost Your Mom for whatever reason or know someone who has, please check out
         MWSH site.

Yorkieland Website and Discussion list. I created these pages for the Yorkshire
         Terrier enthusiast. We currently have well over 500 members on the discussion
          list. Yorkieland website has lots of links for great Yorkie info and much more.

   A Special note about these webpages. If you wish to view
          these pages as they were intended.....You first need to have two fonts on your
          computer named: VivaldiD and Lydian BT. These webpages were created for 
          a resolution of 800x600 and were created with Netscape Composer. I also 
          used Jaguar womans template for recreating this page and am very grateful to 
          her for her expertise in  webpage creations as well as for being kind enough to 
          let people use her hard work for personal webpages. Her link is below if you 
          would like to see her wonderful work. This webset was completely created by
          JAQUAR WOMAN graphics.





 Motherless Women Support Homepages | Special Thanks to:Graphics by Jaguar Woman |
Yorkieland Website and Discussion ListEmail Vicci Doyle