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made by shelby
Last Updated April 20th, 2005
"Love, gee love is such a strong word. Sometimes when we think we love someone, we just like them alot. I know what love is, ive been in love. Love is where you cant stop thinking about the person. They are always on your mind. 24-7. You feel as though a part of you is missing when you are not with them. You go to bed crying at night because they are not with you. You feel what they feel kind of like a supernatrual power of some sort. When in love you get so infatuated that you dont realize what is going on in the real world and everything slips away in it because you are in your own little world. Love is when you will stop at nothing and risk everything for that special someone. Then when you love someone and they dont love you, you feel torn apart as though you have lost something that was once yours. You just want to die because you feel not wanted anymore. Then as time passes and the wound gets deeper and deeper you tend to dwell over it untill one day you decide to move on, yet still have certian feelings for that person you just dont want to show them because you dont want to go though the whole hurting process again. That is love in my eyes."-- me (shelby) 3/8/98