XOXO---This is Me,C'est moi---XOXO

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Howdy People, The name's Ron, I'm 19 and love:Writing poetry,Short Stories,The P.C. and anyhting to do with it,DOGS...and loadsa other stuff.Wanna know more or just wanna chat sometime whateva' just gimme a buzz--
My ICQ-UIN=12946900
That's bout all...so until later...adios.
and remember 'Some dance to remember, some dance to 4get" decide which category u fall into...
I'm currently doin' my BBA(Bachelors in Business Administration) at the University Of Wollongong in Dubai(U.A.E).

Some awesome linx:

ICQ-get ur copy and get with it...

FRESH..poetry,stories..total freedom of expression gotta be checked out

MP3 maniac---well here's where u go for da indian stuff

Check out my Univ.'s page...check us out...

Stuff Bout Me:


Ron Ciby Thomas



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