Welcome do my shack down by the river!

Please remove your shoes. We may have dirt floors, but I dont know where your dirt has been.

Howdy, kids! In case you've been out of my loop for a while, here's an update on my current situation. I'm unemployed, the creditors are hounding me, my girlfriend's pregnant, my dog has fleas, and my knee hurts. I don't even kn.... Wait. Sorry, wrong person. Life is grand!! I'm still driving trucks though I've shed my cross country ways for a local job that affords me more time with the little lady. The previous job was for Central Refrigerated Service, Inc., formerly known as Dick Simon Trucking. I'll be working on a "summary page" of my two years over-the-road (trucker lingo for doing cross country long hauls) soon. For now, just trust that it was among the most amazing experiences of my life, in the running with diving on the Great Barrier Reef, hiking through Machu Picchu in the forrested mountains of Peru, and swimming with Charles Darwin's giant turtles off the Galapagos Islands. As for now... I'm currently a foodservice delivery driver for McLane Foodservice at their Hebron, Kentucky (near Cincinnati) facility. I absolutely love it. I basically work 3 days a week doing two 1.5-day runs a week. I leave early in the morning and return the following afternoon. Currently I'm on my trainer's schedule running Wed-Thur and Sat-Sun. Feel free to solicit more details via e-mail should you so wish. If you want to indulge in my manifesto, please do so. This is just here because it's a subject I end of discussing often; Why I do and say what I do and say. Why do I end up discussing this often? Easy... People ask.

Links to other sites on the Web

Check out pictures of my K-9!

I hope you've enjoyed your stay. Hell, who am I kidding? I actually don't care if you've enjoyed your stay. If you liked it, great. If you didn't, oh well. You can spend a lifetime trying to please everyone and never getting around to living your own life.

© 2000 darius_uible@hotmail.com